
6 Ways: How IT is Impacting Healthcare Sector

6 Ways: How IT is Impacting Healthcare Sector

Since the start of civilization, mankind has valued living a long and healthy life. The use of magic and alchemy to make people younger or stronger can be seen in old myths about the springs of youth. People have long been searching for innovative ways to use technology to be fit, healthy, and disease-free. The way medicine has evolved makes this simple to see. Common sense and creative problem solving gave way to magic, science, and eventually the study of medicine as a field that sparked our interest in finding treatments for the diseases that troubled us. In recent years,…
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Do Overpronators need stability shoes for walking?

Do Overpronators need stability shoes for walking?

Do Overpronators need stability shoes for walking? It's natural for the arch of your foot to flatten somewhat when you walk or run, as well as for your foot and ankle to roll in a bit as your foot hits the ground. “This is known as pronation, and it's an essential component of gait,” says Dr. Mobley. Overpronation—or excessive rolling of the foot and ankle, as well as arch flattening—can be harmful and lead to foot tiredness, discomfort, and injury. What is overpronation and underpronation : Overpronation occurs when the foot and ankle roll excessively down and inward while the…
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4 Ways Seniors Can Take Care of Their Homes

4 Ways Seniors Can Take Care of Their Homes

Living your life after retirement can get difficult for you. Spending time alone without your coworkers can make it hard for you to focus on important things in your life. But the good news is that you can enjoy a great time if you follow the right tips.  Do you want to know how you can enjoy a great time in your home as a senior site? Keep reading this article as we will share four great tips with you that can help you achieve your goal.  Get medical assistance It can get hard for you to stay healthy and…
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5 Caregiving Tips For Your Aging Parents 

5 Caregiving Tips For Your Aging Parents 

Aging is a usual part of life that all of us go through at one point or another. Of course, it happens to our parents first. You exchange roles with them and become their caregiver. It may be challenging- especially if you’re new to it, but it’s something you get used to.  Sometimes, the care could be a quick ride to the store on an electric wheelchair. Other times, you may have to change their diapers As per a national study of caregivers, over eighty percent reported that they found caregiving rewarding.  So how do you handle caretaking successfully? The post below…
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