Content Marketing

What is interesting content and how can interest be verified?

What is interesting content and how can interest be verified?

In her blog, Larry Kim shares ideas about content marketing: Time to drop a truth Bomb: No content marketer has a crystal ball. Nobody can look at a piece of content and predict its future any more accurately than I can.  We cannot predict which content will take off and which will not. Even if we spend several hours grinding the content ourselves, it may not evoke emotion in the recipient. Larry Kim’s blog has insightful ideas about content marketing: content needs to be produced in a lot of different forms. We are different users of content, and I personally don't like declarations that a…
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SEO Content Marketing: tips for an effective strategy

SEO Content Marketing: tips for an effective strategy

SEO Content Marketing To the sound of algorithm updates ( most recently: Penguin 4.0 ) Google is continuing to reshuffle the SERPs , with a view to improving quality: the sites awarded with a better ranking are those that present relevant content not only for search engines. But also for the end user, happy to find something that really meets their search intent. SEO Content Marketinghas precisely this purpose: to create content that is able to scale the SERPs. And that generates above all conversions (purchases, contacts) . Where to start? An effective SEO Content Marketing strategy follows a few simple tips: optimize existing content.By taking a look at the Analytics data or using…
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