SEO Content Marketing: tips for an effective strategy

SEO Content Marketing To the sound of algorithm updates ( most recently: Penguin 4.0 ) Google is continuing to reshuffle the SERPs , with a view to improving quality: the sites awarded with a better ranking are those that present relevant content not only for search engines. But also for the end user, happy to find something that really meets their search intent. SEO Content Marketing
has precisely this purpose: to create content that is able to scale the SERPs. And that generates above all conversions (purchases, contacts) . Where to start?

An effective SEO Content Marketing strategy follows a few simple tips:

  1. optimize existing content.
    By taking a look at the Analytics data or using tools that analyze the rank of your site, you can easily identify which are the opportunities at hand that could generate more traffic and more conversions, if only they were better exploited of the SEO. A concrete example are all those reference keywords for your product / service. But for which you are still on the second page on Google: improving. And optimizing the content of the page you want to index for that specific keyword is a good way to push towards the transition. in the first Google SERPs and increase their contacts.
  2. create new content for new relevant keywords.
    If the content of your site is well optimized, but your phone still doesn’t ring… Maybe it’s time to create new content based on new keywords that can bring you real contacts. How to find them?
    – If you are also using AdWords. A good practice is to look at the search terms that have brought you the most conversions .
    – Again, often the mistake is made to consider only the final objective. for example, the purchase. And therefore indexed by keywords such as “prices, quote, sale, etc …”.Instead, what should be taken into consideration more is that the purchasing process – the famous path to purchase – is very diversified on the web  https aka ms remoteconnect: if a user is interested in buying a product x .It is very likely that in addition to looking for the price of the product x are also looking for a comparison between product x and y, or the reviews and characteristics of product x, etc … You must therefore be found in the last step of the purchasing process. But it is also very useful to intercept contacts even at the beginning of the purchase process. Also ranking for other search terms.
    – Last but not least, listen to what is said on the web: if there is a trend topicof the moment that can be useful to generate traffic on your site, immediately write an article in your company blog SEO to ride the wave and generate opportunities for contact.
  3. Promote content.
    Always remember to give your content a little boost: be it an article from the company blog. A new offer posted on your site, etc … Share it on your social networks (which also enjoy a good rank on Google). And possibly consider advertising on Social, which can lead to good results even with limited spending budgets.


By 12 Disruptors Admin

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