12 Effective Brain Exercises to Recover after a Stroke

brain exercise

A stroke may leave you with permanent impairments that alter your way of living, which need some brain exercises to regain memory and concentration. However, the symptoms of a stroke may be minimized, and stroke recovery can be accelerated with prompt medical intervention and urgent rehabilitation. We have collected some brain exercises for the victims of brain stroke. Check them below.

How do strokes occur?

When a blood clot or rupture deprives a specific area of the brain of oxygen and nutrients, a stroke results, consequently, brain cells are harmed, which may show up in a person’s thoughts, feelings, communication, and movement.

Brain exercises to recover from a stroke.

Brain workouts are essential to the patient’s rehabilitation since stroke is a disorder that affects the brain. Here are a few mental exercises that can aid in the healing process.

1. Take up some board games.

Because they involve focus and memory, board games are excellent brain exercises. They also support the development of other cognitive abilities, including problem-solving, memory retention, and analytical thinking.

Board games provide stroke victims with the chance to socialize and spend time with friends and family in addition to aiding with cognition. It lessens melancholy, stress, worry, and boredom.

Scrabble, Jenga, Checkers, Battleship, and Connect Four are a few board games you may play.

2. Cracking codes

Short-term memory is improved, and puzzles strengthen neural connections. Shape identification, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities are required to complete a puzzle which is another very effective brain exercise.

For instance, while looking for the right puzzle piece, one must identify its form and colours, estimate its size, and place it where it belongs. You may begin by experimenting with puzzles with fewer and larger components before moving on to more difficult ones.

3. Cook and experiment with new dishes.

Encouraging stroke victims to cook and learn new recipes, cooking may help stroke victims put their brains to work.

One may use all of their senses when cooking (taste, smell, touch, sight). As toddlers must recall and follow the instructions in the recipe, it may help improve their memory and motor skills.

Aim to cook a couple of times every week. You get to enjoy the meal after cooking in addition to this exercise enhancing cognitive!

4. art reiki

Watching colours is a natural brain exercise. Painting, colouring, and drawing are enjoyable activities that boost creativity and stress relief. Additionally, it aids in developing cognitive abilities, hand-eye coordination, and the recovery of strength in the areas of the body afflicted by stroke. Stroke victims may also express their feelings via art therapy.

5. Playing music

While white noise, such as the sound of televisions in the background, is not advised, music and songs may aid in patients’ concentration. It stimulates the brain and usually improves the perspective of stroke survivors.

Additionally, singing along to music is often easier for stroke patients with language difficulties than conversing.

6. Dance

Dancing might result from listening to music, so if this happens, be ready to have a fantastic time. Not only is dancing fun, but it’s also therapeutic. It encourages stroke victims to exercise and works to build their bodies. When you move your body, you also require motor coordination.

7. Money totals

To count money, you must use your short-term memory and quantitative thinking. You need a few unrelated coins for this activity. The worth of the coins should then be added up to stimulate and enhance intellect. Money totals can count as concentrating brain exercise.

8. Play around with puzzles.

Crossword puzzles, word searches, and Sudoku are all excellent ways for stroke victims to mentally challenge themselves. They promote the application of analytical thinking, problem-solving, and quantitative reasoning.

Although they may be difficult, cognitive activities like these help stroke patients repair their brain connections.

9. Apply cognitive therapy applications.

For stroke victims, some applications specialize in cognitive treatment. These applications provide games, workouts, and activities that may improve analytical thinking, numeric reasoning, and visual/spatial processing.

You only need a smartphone or tablet to access various therapeutic games and activities.

Apps for cognitive treatment after stroke include:


Tactus treatment

ongoing treatment

Consideration Time Pro Aura

Utilize a meditation app

10. Meditation

Meditation may help stroke survivors who struggle with attention, mental flexibility, and information processing. One may also improve their ability to think clearly by telling their brain to focus on just one idea.

Additionally, being conscious of one’s thoughts allows one to change unhelpful ideas into powerful and good ones. Thus, tension and anxiety are reduced as a result.

11. Crafts and art initiatives

Arts & crafts activities foster hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, muscular coordination, and inventiveness. Stroke victims may attempt knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, and other creative pursuits.

These activities also encourage expressing ideas and feelings, which will assist survivors in processing their emotions and raising their moods.

12. Discover sign language.

Stroke patients might pick up new abilities by engaging in new hobbies. Learning sign language will exercise and develop the hands while stimulating the brain to improve memory. Additionally, it’s a fantastic means of communication for survivors with speed limitations.


Brain activities are only one part of healing for stroke victims. You may also regain talents that may have been hampered after a stroke with other treatments like physical and occupational therapy. People may be able to restore some of their pre-stroke skills with these procedures. Additionally, they may support the emotional rehabilitation that often follows a stroke.


What proportion of stroke victims recover fully?

Only 10% of stroke victims recover completely. However, 10% need long-term care, and 40% have moderate to severe disabilities.

How long does healing after a stroke take?

Depending on whatever area of the brain was injured and how quickly medical help was sought, recovery times might vary.

Despite this, the first three months after a stroke are when rehabilitation progresses the quickest. After that, development can begin to slow down. But this does not imply that advancement has halted. It will go on, but more slowly. Don’t give up, and keep up with the necessary therapy and rehabilitation.

After a stroke, is it possible to lead a regular life?

Once again, this is based on the particular patient and the severity of the stroke. After a stroke, some patients recover and may resume their usual lives. Some people have chronic impairments.

By Zubia Qamar Ali

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