One of the fundamental necessities of humans, along with food and clothing, is healthcare. But you have to pay for these necessities. People now want universal access to high-quality healthcare regardless of their financial situation because delaying medical care could endanger someone’s life. However, the government refuses to comply with this demand due to the severe economic burden it would impose. 8.5% of the US population, or 27.5 million people, do not have health insurance. Among the 91.5% of people who have health insurance, 67.3% do so privately, while 34.4% receive their coverage from the government through schemes like Medicaid or Medicare. Let’s try an unbiased response to the most frequently asked question: why should healthcare be free?
What is free healthcare?
Free healthcare means that wellness treatments will be offered to residents at no cost or with very few financial restrictions. The free healthcare system aims to guarantee that every citizen, regardless of socioeconomic status, has appropriate access to healthcare at a low cost or for free. A notable effect of the free healthcare system is seen in the nation’s general socioeconomic climate. The government manages these programs through payroll taxes that you pay. Although every individual has access to medical services, its implementation may lower the level of care given.

The Pros and Cons of free healthcare
The major point with the free healthcare system is the sharp rise in the number of patients, which raises the question of how the government would manage if they needed more money. Or will customers instead be assessed higher service fees? Or is it just another commercial tactic, or do people profit from it? Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of free healthcare services.
Advantages of free healthcare
Here are the five advantages to answer the question: why should healthcare be free?
1. Eliminate unnecessary competition
The providers of health services are constantly competing with one another. The healthcare industry has evolved into a business. Eventually, their objective changed as well, and they are now perceived as more concerned with the number of patients than the caliber of their service. Additionally, they ignore the plight of those who cannot afford it in favor of luring wealthy people who will happily pay high prices.
2. Improved Child Health Due to Free Healthcare
Given their heightened risk of problems and diseases, children require competent medical care more than any other age group. Children from any economic background can access medical facilities when parents are given financial incentives. They are thereby protected from various ailments, allowing them to live better lives and contribute to the advancement of civilization.
3. The economy benefits from free healthcare.
It is obvious how a country’s socioeconomic structure is affected by its health. Economies are stronger in nations where people can afford healthcare and vice versa. Every citizen has access to healthcare services thanks to free healthcare. Consequently, raising human productivity will have a direct impact on the economy of the country.
4. Free medical care helps save lives.
In addition, this service saves thousands of lives. Doctors can notice and diagnose early symptoms. Consequently, several diseases are avoided. Furthermore, many individuals who might not be able to pay for medical care even when they are in a serious condition can easily access hospitals for treatment.
5. Costs Drop Due to Free Healthcare
The cost of free healthcare services is far lower than it would be under a free market system. You will receive all services without charge. As a result, even those who couldn’t afford the fees could still receive services of a comparable standard.
Drawbacks to Free Healthcare
What are the drawbacks of having free healthcare available? Let’s have a look:
1. Chronic Diseases Are Given Priority in Free Healthcare
The cost of chronic disease, linked to lifestyle decisions, accounts for about 90% of the budget. Citizens’ taxes are used to pay for the entire system. This indicates that you are also paying for the care of others, which seems unfair.
2. Free Medical Care May Reduce Service Quality
Once medical services are made free, the number of patients will immediately increase. Thus, doctors and nurses must work day and night due to their busy schedules. As a result, treating as many patients as possible becomes their primary objective instead of accurately identifying them. The outcome is a sharp decline in service quality.
3. Free Healthcare Leads to Irresponsible Behavior
Most of the time, when money incentives are present, people will disregard their health. People begin living unhealthy lifestyles rather than concentrating on becoming physically fit, eating healthfully, and taking the necessary safeguards for no other reason than they can easily obtain free healthcare services if a problem arises.
4. Free healthcare causes longer wait times.
The hospitals are busier as a result of the free healthcare system. You might have to wait weeks to make an appointment with a specialist. The standard waiting period is 3 to 4 weeks before your appointment. You wouldn’t have to wait for such a long time under a free-market economy.
Why should healthcare be free? The earlier discussion provides the answer. However, anyone can choose that as their best response. Is it, however, actually doable? Not at this time, given the financial restrictions and the other uncertain possibilities. Finally, those who support free healthcare make a solid case for the equitable and effective nature of the services offered. Many disagree, though, and they make this claim. There is no denying that free healthcare also lowers the standard of care and causes people to care less about their health.
Frequently Asked Question
Why are Americans opposed to universal health care?
The possibility of long patient wait times is one argument against universal health care. Another is that the taxes required for a universal system would be too high. Another key contention is that a universal health care system would be impractical in the United States because it is far larger and more culturally and geographically varied than other industrialized nations.
Is free universal health care available for all?
Free services for patients could be a part of universal health care. However, some programmes charge participants for services, medication, or insurance costs. These expenses will nevertheless often be cheaper than in a system that does not offer universal coverage. However, taxpayers are ultimately responsible for funding universal healthcare.
What three things influence a person’s ability to receive healthcare?
They consist of income level and its correlates, place of residence, racial and ethnic background, gender, age, native language, and presence of a disability. Utilization of health services is influenced by one’s ability to get care, including whether it is timely, convenient, and economical.
What makes healthcare so important?
Disease prevention and life quality improvement are aided by high-quality healthcare. The goal is to increase the standard of healthcare and guarantee that everyone has access to the treatments they require. Enhancing communication between medical professionals can benefit patients’ health and well-being.