Top 10 Questions You Should Ask When Choosing A Real Estate Lawyer In Calgary

When you are ready to purchase a property, it is important to have a real estate lawyer in Calgary to protect your legal rights and interests. Although you may be able to find a real estate lawyer through a family member or friend, it is best to find one that specializes in real estate law in order to get the most comprehensive legal representation. 

So, what should you ask when choosing a real estate lawyer in Calgary?

What is your experience in real estate law?

The lawyer you are considering should have experience in dealing with real estate law. This will ensure that they are familiar with the process and can help you navigate through any legal issues that may arise.

Do you have any experience with the property I am interested in purchasing?

If you are purchasing a property that is complex or has unique features, you will want to make sure that your lawyer has experience with that type of property. This will ensure that they are familiar with any potential legal issues that could arise.

What are your legal fees?

It is important to know the real estate lawyer’s fees in Calgary. Many lawyers will charge by the hour, so you will need to know how much the lawyer charges per hour and how many hours they estimate the case will take. You should also ask if there are any additional fees, such as for filing fees or expenses.

What are the conditions of your retainer?

A retainer is a deposit that is paid to the lawyer in advance. The lawyer will then use this money to cover their fees and expenses. The conditions of the retainer should be clearly stated in the contract. You should also ask how much the retainer will be and if it is refundable.

What other legal services do you provide?

You should inquire about other legal services that the best real estate lawyer in Calgary offers. This is important because you may need additional legal services in the future. For example, if you are purchasing a property that is part of a condominium, you may need a lawyer who specializes in condo law.

Do you have any experience with condo documentation or strata law?

If you are purchasing a condo, you will want to make sure that your lawyer has experience with condo documentation and strata law. This is important because there can be complex legal issues involved in purchasing a condo.

What are your availability for consultations?

It is important to know how available the lawyer is for consultations. You should ask how often the lawyer is available and how long consultations typically last. You should also ask if the lawyer offers consultations by phone or video chat.

What is your policy on communicating with clients?

You should ask the lawyer about their policy on communicating with clients. This is important because you will need to be able to communicate with your lawyer on a regular basis. you should ask how often the lawyer will communicate with you and what methods of communication they prefer.

What is your policy on billing?

You should ask the lawyer about their billing policy. This is important because you need to know how the lawyer will bill you for their services. Many lawyers will bill by the hour, but some may have other billing methods. You should ask about the lawyer’s billing policy before you agree to hire them.

Do you have any other policies or procedures that I should be aware of?

You should ask the lawyer about any other policies or procedures that you should be aware of. This is important because you need to know what to expect when you hire the lawyer. For example, you should ask about the lawyer’s policy on confidentiality.

The bottom line

Now that you know what you should ask your potential real estate lawyer, what are you waiting for? Find the best real estate lawyer and get rid of the burden you get when buying or selling a property. For more information, explore the internet.

By 12disruptors Admin

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