The benefits of online advertising & using Google ads.

online advertising

It’s very likely that you have been using old school marketing techniques to advertise your business and that includes television, newspaper, magazines and billboards. While these methods of marketing surely had their day, they are no longer effective because they don’t allow you to reach out to your target demographic and so this is money and time that is wasted. When you engage in marketing campaigns such as these, you have no way of knowing if the marketing campaign is working properly until you have already spent all of your money. Online advertising will allow you to show your advertised months to people who have shown a genuine interest in the products and services that you offer in the past. It helps to filter out all of the people who have no interest at all and so this is a more cost-effective way to reach out to new customers.

Online advertising and Google Ads in Bangkok will allow you to be able to track if anyone actually clicked on your advertising and by reaching out to them digitally; you know that your customers can reach you as well by using their various devices like their smartphones and laptops. One specific method of online advertising is Google Ads because they allow you to actually show your advertised months to the right kinds of people, in exactly the right place and at the right time. If you’re still not sold on the benefits of Google Ads then here are some of the top ones to whet your appetite.

    1. You can target your ads – The fact that you can actually target your ads to people who have shown a genuine interest in the product or service that you have to offer is a game changer and so you can create relevant advertisement months that they can relate to. When you place online ads you can use things like keywords which are relevant to your product and services, add location and you can actually take the demographic that you want to reach out to. It also allows you to feature your advertised months at certain times of the day and on certain days including the frequency.
  • You can control your costs – It’s likely that if you are a small business that you don’t have a huge digital marketing budget and so you need to be careful where you spend your money and how you spend it. That’s the wonderful thing about Google Ads because it allows you to have control over all of the money that you spend which means money left over for an extra vacation. There is no minimum spend in case you want to try it out first. You can actually decide how much that you want to spend in each business month or in each day or for each advertisement. The other massive selling point is that you only have to pay someone to click on your advertisement.

Another great selling point of online advertising and specifically Google Ads is that you can actually measure the success of your campaign. If someone clicks on your advertisement then you will know and you will also find out if they went ahead and bought something, or downloaded your app.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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