Around the globe, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is recognized as an extremely painful condition for males and is isn’t yet openly discussed about. The condition often causes men to question their masculinity and, in many instances, is an explanation for their low self-esteem. Because of the fact that there are many areas around the world, ED is viewed as a sin and because societies around the globe view men who suffer with ED as men who have lost masculinity, a lot of men conceal their plight from their colleagues or their relatives.

Men who are married and suffering from ED are often able to recognize ED as an painful and tragic event in their relationships. They frequently (falsely) assign to ED and causes that connect to other aspects of life as a married couple. There are a lot of inaccurate stories and false information about ED floating around, adding to the negativity regarding this subject. It can further increase the anxiety that people with ED have to endure. One of the less known but important aspects of ED is the reality that it is treatable by. To get quick and easy ED treatment, look into Cenforcepills Cenforce 100 Tablets Reviews.

An interesting fact is that, with the proper method, ED can be partially or completely managed (depending on the specific case). A man known as Jeffrey has been my best friend since college began dealing with this issue 8 years ago. He’s always been extremely open about sharing his own experiences about how to handle this problem.

ED doesn’t affect your masculinity

Jeffrey began experiencing the first symptoms of ED about three years after his marriage. The struggles he faced included difficulties in getting a full erection, and also requiring additional effort and a lot of practice to maintain the erection. As time passed, his condition deteriorated further, and he reached the point at which it was impossible for him to achieve an erection that was full.

The result was an adverse impact on his marriage and his spouse Joanne (who was among the most attractive girls from the college we attended). Jeffrey began to get bored of intimacy, sexual sex, and physical affection, which his wife Joanne was not able to handle very well. There was a point that Jeffrey would not even touch Joanne when he lay on their bed.

Jeffrey ended up getting affected in his work which was the centre of his existence and something he was very enthusiastic about. Jeffrey would often beg in sadness and would declare, “I believe since I lost my masculinity, I thought it was too difficult to perform any activity as an older man. I don’t like seeing couples having a kiss in the park or having a romantic relationship”.

After a visit to a counsellor Jeffrey discovered his realization that the concept of masculinity in various areas of society today is not true and the concept of masculinity transcends sexuality. The idea of showing anyone that you are a male enough is not a good idea in and of itself, since the subject is highly subjective and the way it is interpreted differs from one person to another. Being a man may be a way of providing the family with food and shelter, as well as shoulder the responsibility of taking care of one’s family and being a teacher for children. Jeffrey was also aware that being a man is also about being a teacher and father this also broadened his perspective on what he thought about being manly. And a better man always choose Cenforce 150.

Sex isn’t the only type of intimacy

It is well-known that sex is thought of as the highest level of physical relationship and if two individuals do not attain that level, they might be concerned that something is wrong in their relationship and the reason they’re not able to make the next step. Knowing that, Jeffrey soon realized that sexual contact was not the only means to express love or have intimate moments.

Jeffrey discovered from his counsellor that there are a lot of couples she counsels that have similar issues and yet are having a lot of fun and have several moments of intimacy one another. Jeff discovered that Joanne wasn’t only feeling down because of his lack of sexual skills, but also because of the lack of care he forced her to endure. Joanne still wanted to share moments of happiness, laughter and affection to the person she been married to in love. Still, she wanted to feel special.

These realizations saw Jeffrey start to ignite a new passion in his marriage that was fading. Jeffrey began to lay completely naked Joanne for hours and snuggle her for longer periods of time and kiss her often for prolonged intervals. Jeffrey started doing things he was sure Joanne would enjoy from their time in college this included having Joanne lay on his back as they both watched hockey on ice and then kiss frequently. The whole thing brought about a major change from a scenario that could have led to an unsuccessful marriage.

This dispels the commonly held belief that sex should not start something one cannot complete’. As in the story of Jeffrey and Joanne their intimate and playful actions of love (that didn’t result in sex) nevertheless restored their confidence they believed was gone within their union.

It’s all about pleasure and not about the performance

For those like Jeffrey who are suffering from intermittent periods with ED it is crucial to recognize that thinking of oneself in a race, or contest is not the best method to approach the issue. Self-reflection on this matter should be discarded and innovative measures should be taken to deal with it.

Jeffrey remembers that after he began to rebuild his connection to Joanne it was evident that there had been a dramatic decline in the incidents of ED. He then cherished moments when he and Joanne would be close until the very conclusion (climax).

It was the shift from a performance-oriented mentality to one where enjoyment was the most important thing that mattered for Jeffrey as well as his spouse.

Speak up!

Numerous surveys around the world have revealed that 59% of males over the age of 35 in America have suffered from this condition and about 1 out of five males in their 20s suffer from this condition. One of the most worrying trends to note however is that cases in ED are becoming more frequent, both among young men and the elderly demographics.

You can begin to talk about the issue with their doctor and spouse. Acceptance and open discussion with a spouse can bring relief in many instances, because the honesty of relationships is an attribute that is sought-after. A sensitive and thoughtful wife can give you the opportunity to increase confidence in yourself and aid you in affirming the notions of physical and intimate love.

Jeffrey often says that from the moment he began to open the details of his struggles to his wife and his doctor, the pressure lifted off him significantly.

It is treatable!

One myth about ED that people continue sending out to close ones and friends are that ED can’t be treated. This is false and erroneous! There are a variety of options for treating ED and, most interestingly, most of them involve techniques which aren’t clinical in their nature. Doctors typically prescribe changes to lifestyle and counselling to aid in the management of ED. This can be anything from changes to eating habits to exercising regularly and even medication in certain instances. You can purchase Cenforce 200 Online at Affordable Price.

When seeking help or treatment for ED may be difficult at first but if the moments that will bring you closer to your loved one physically, are important to you in any way. It’s worth it.

Jeffrey recalls fond memories of the way Jeffrey and Joanne modified their lifestyle and eating habits during his ED treatment “We were people who hated fruit and exercise to getting up at 6 in the morning and sipping fruit juice after running two miles! If your wife loves you, she will help you get through the rough patches and stay by you”

After 2 years of continuous treatment, which included constant counselling sessions, an exercise program and a few drugs, Jeffrey and Joanne have their own happy marriage as well as an extremely active sex lifestyle.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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