How Significant Is The PAS9980?


The significance of the subject matter of the lengthy paper warrants the text’s length. Case studies of fire events and laws and regulations about fire safety are included in the draft. In addition, it provides a glossary of words used in the industry.

Many people, particularly the owners of multi-family buildings, have been waiting for PAS9980 to learn whether or not the external walls of their buildings provide a low or manageable risk and whether or not they require rehabilitation.

In the case of external walls, FR Consulting assists in demonstrating conformance with Building Legislation as well as other regulations and standards. When the standard was announced, several people assumed it did not replace the EWS1 form. Mortgage companies are not required to request EWS1 forms from properties with a PAS 9980 fire risk assessment deemed low or acceptable.

Certificate Of Ews1 Status:

An external wall fire review is what the EWS1 certificate is for. When a leaseholder buys, sells, or refinances a multistory apartment building, it is utilised in the transaction.

There is no requirement for EWS1, nor is it a safety certificate. Mortgages are analysed by it. EWS1 was made available to the public by the RICS and mortgage lenders in December 2019. It examines the integrity of the exterior walls of buildings that are 18 metres high. As a result of the announcement made by the government in January 2020 on Building Safety Guidance, they have gradually found their way into use for structures of a height less than this. It is easier for lenders to assess whether or not to provide a mortgage for a multistory property, thanks to EWS1.

Objectives Of The PAS 9980 Risk Assessment Process

PAS9980’s Goals Are:

  • Establish a standardised method for evaluating the potential for fire to spread on exterior walls.
  • Assist recipients in better comprehending the outcomes and the risks.

In addition, the standard includes a fire risk appraisal and assessment of external walls (FRAEW), which contributes to the evaluation of the Fire Safety Order and maybe the future safety case required for taller structures. The recommendation applies to all multi-family buildings, not only those taller than 18 metres. Additionally, it is suitable for usage as student housing and housing for specialised uses.

Pas 9980 Defines Risk

According to the PAS 9980 standard, the risk is defined as the likelihood that a fire will spread, that secondary flames will form, that there will be escape routes available and that the fire department will respond appropriately. The level of risk is categorised as low, medium, or high. A medium risk may be able to be managed, but it necessitates taking actions such as repairs or fire safety precautions. More research is required for high-risk structures. This will most likely include doing a fire engineering analysis, which may need the repair of the walls.

What Are Some Important Facts About Fraew?

FRAEW considers the construction of the outer wall, spandrel panels, and attachments such as balconies. In addition, it considers the nearby fire dangers and threats, evacuation routes, and availability to fire services. Assessors need to have the appropriate training to carry out a comprehensive review. The proposal details the expected levels of expertise and the evaluation procedures.

Despite the possibility of subjectivity, the PAS 9980 fire risk assessment will lead to more comprehensive evaluations of exterior walls.

Which Buildings Are Included In PAS 9980’s Scope?

In response to the question, “what exactly is a PAS 9980 fire risk assessment?” The PAS 9980 standard applies to residential towers in addition to other buildings. Regarding fire prevention measures and escape design, the structures need to be on par with those found in purpose-built residential complexes. Apartments, student housing, sheltered and specialised housing, and other housing types are all included in PAS.

Wall Build Ups For The Pass 9980 Exam

Regardless of the building’s height, PAS 9980 addresses the possibility of fire spreading over many stories of an apartment complex. The PAS standard applies to either single-wall or mixed-wall layouts. Additionally included are constructions with the potential for explosion.

Whether or not they are insulated, PAS wall constructions always feature outside walls with rain-screen cladding. It incorporates ETICS, more precisely, insulation that is rendered. Insulated core panels, glass Facade Consultants with infill or spread panels, and curtain walling are all included in PAS.

By 12disruptors Admin

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