Find Ways to Change Your Location on Twitter

Change Your Location on Twitter

Twitter detects your location if you post anything on it. Various people don’t want their followers to know about their current location through Twitter. For this, you can set the location on Twitter before posting anything. When you post something on Twitter, you must have seen the option of the location before posting. You can easily search for any location on Twitter and will be able to change your location on your posts. This way, you can now use Twitter with peace, however, this will not be helpful if you are using Twitter space or Twitter messages. For this, you will have to choose advanced features through MXCode.

Change Your Location with Third Party Apps Using MXCode

The best way to change your location permanently from the phone is to use the FakeLoc app. You can download this app from the MXCode software and can change your location easily from Twitter. One benefit is this app not only helps to change location on Twitter but is also helpful for other apps on your phone. Therefore, you can get the idea of this app by just seeing the name. You can use this tool to successfully change your location from Twitter and even Twitter space and messages. For this, you need to follow multiple steps which include downloading the app from software.

Afterward, you can simply change the location settings on your phone by pointing out the new location you want to change. After changing your location, you can simply check from Twitter to check if it is done. Even if the process is not done, then you can redo all the procedures and can check again. FakeLoc app does not require any jailbreak if you have an iPhone, so this app is much beneficial for iPhone users.

Make Sure to Undo the Procedure

People usually forget to undo all the changes regarding their GPS which may lead to some problems with their phone. Hence, make sure to get back to your original location after you are done using Twitter with the changed location. This way, your phone’s GPS will not have any other problems and you can also use this feature again and again. Moreover, reset your location after you have used Twitter and other applications on your phone. If you follow these steps, you will be able to change your location from your phone and can never let the app know about your exact location.

By 12disruptors Admin

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