Common Core

Common Core

The Common Core State Requirements, a new set of academic standards, have been recognized by 43 states. The goals of the standards are to better prepare students for college and careers, as well as to make the United States more competitive academically. From kindergarten to senior year of high school, they serve as standards for what children should know and be able to do in math and language arts. Many of those goals are included in the Common Core at each grade level, but there are a few common elements. The emphasis in language arts standards is on using evidence to support arguments. Less personal narratives will be written, and more viewpoints will be expressed. They’ll be required to read more nonfiction as well. In math, the standards place a greater emphasis on fewer concepts that are explored in greater depth. States used to set their own academic standards, which might be rather different in terms of difficulty. The purpose of common standards is to ensure that all public school children, regardless of where they live, are prepared for college and careers when they graduate from high school. Writing assignments are less on personal tales like “What I did on my summer vacation” and more about evidence-based arguments. Math standards concentrate on fewer, more in-depth topics that should develop logically from school to grade. The Common Core standards were developed in 2009 and 2010 by two state organizations, the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. However, they’re making headlines right now because states are starting to embrace the Common Core as the foundation for state tests. Get the idea from Quran for kids classes.

What are the Common-Core Standards?

Simply said, these are descriptions of the English/language arts and math skills that children should have at each grade level by the time they graduate from high school. They’re not a detailed, day-to-day curriculum; rather, they’re a general framework of learning requirements from which instructors or district officials might create one. The 66-page English/language arts paper focuses on students’ abilities to analyze difficult literary and informational texts and use evidence from them to build arguments and interpretations.

Benefits of Common Core

  • International Comparison

The Common Core State Standards have been benchmarked internationally. This means that our standards will be competitive with those of other nations. This is hopeful because educational achievement in the United States has declined in recent decades. Internationally benchmarked standards can aid in improving that rating.

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  • The Performance of States can be Accurately Compared

States can correctly compare standardized test scores thanks to the Common Core State Standards. Each state had its own set of standards and tests prior to the Common Core Standards. This made accurate comparisons of one state’s results to those of another extremely difficult. For Common Core states that use the same tests, this is no longer the case given similar standards and exams.

  • Test Development Costs are Lower

The Common Core State Standards reduce the costs of test production, scoring, and reporting for states since they eliminate the need for separate states to pay for their own instruments to be produced. Each state with the same set of requirements can create a similar test to fulfill their needs and split the costs. There are now two major Common Core testing consortiums. PARCC is made up of 21 states and the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is made up of 25 states.

  • Higher Thinking Capabilities

Our pupils’ higher-level thinking skills are arguably developed as a result of the Common Core State Standards. Today’s students are frequently tested on only one skill at a time. Each question on the Common Core assessment will cover numerous competencies. This will eventually lead to improved problem-solving abilities and reasoning.

  • Tools for Tracking Progress

Teachers can use the Common Core State Standards tests to track their students’ progress throughout the year. Teachers can use the exams’ optional pre-test and progress tracking features to figure out what a student knows, where they’re going, and how to get them where they need to go. This allows teachers to compare the progress of individual students rather than comparing one student to another.


The Common Core’s purpose is to ensure that students graduate with the skills they need to succeed in college and the workplace. Another goal is to ensure that pupils, regardless of where they reside, receive a good education. Parents and educators can compare how pupils compare to their peers when the same standards are utilized worldwide.

By 12disruptors Admin