10 best INTJ Anime Characters


Animes are an incredible genre that has been around for a long time and there are a few that can be found in each specific anime genre. However, some of the best are ones you won’t find anywhere else. 

They’re very memorable characters, especially because they’re the main leads along with other members of their group. Here are some of my picks for the top ten most iconic or most popular intj anime characters.

Naruto Uzumaki: 

Naruto Uzuma is a ninja master who is a member of the Kishimoto family. His father Naruto was killed when he was young while his mother Jiraiya was kidnapped in a battle by her rival Lord Asuna. He and three others must become students at the Oroboron Academy to receive lessons and gain stronger weapons. 

Since then, it has been his mission to train all members of the clan, including all its men and women. From there, he hopes to become their greatest warrior ever. This isn’t so hard when you consider how much power Naruto possesses. With so many abilities, this is one character that will always stand out among everyone else. I hope that we will see more from him in future content.


Fate/Zero is a manga comic series written and drawn by Masashi Taniguchi and first published on Shonen Jump by Square Enix back in 1997. One day during class, after receiving many threats and insults from classmates, Zenitsu accidentally kills himself without any other student knowing about it until four days later. 

Unfortunately, no one could survive the attack, leaving only two survivors: Yuuichi and Fortuna. To regain freedom, Zenitsu uses every ounce of energy within him and fights against anyone that is trying to kill him, using everything as ammunition. Eventually, he triumphs and ends up getting captured. 

When told by Fortuna about what happened, he promises not to tell anybody any details, even himself. After being released, Zenitsu learns that he survived thanks to someone else. For now, he’ll just do anything he can to make sure none of his friends will die. Hopefully, this will make him much better once he gets a team like the Chidama Clique that will help shape them into something great.

Sasuke Uryama: 

It is known as “The Unbreakable” due to his superpowers that allow him to absorb the hearts of enemies. While he wasn’t the strongest member of the Clique, he had a lot to give. In addition, he possesses amazing martial arts skills and abilities such as invisibility and telekinesis. 

Although he doesn’t get the attention that he deserves, he is still just a big fan of fighting and has been training under Miyagi since he moved to Japan. There might not be a lot of fan support, but hopefully, fans will come along for his adventures in the years to come!

Yuki Shihei and Kintetsu Mizuhara: 

No one else knows how to protect Naruto’s world than Kintetsu Mizuhara. Even though Kintetsu is a strong fighter and skilled explorer, his personality shines through. Despite having a reputation for being vain, despite possessing low self-esteem, he still shows a deep sense of confidence. If you want to see a good example of a truly powerful guy, check to see if he is in front of you.

Mikasa Mamoru Okami: 

It would seem easy enough to find out exactly what happens when one dies in a movie, but not when reading the book. Many people don’t know what goes on after death and that’s okay. But in the case of Manga, Yuki Mishima gives insight into what goes on after death. 

She tells us what she saw in Yokohama before coming over here and how she sees things after a person passes away, including the afterlife and where to go next. In addition to giving insight into our favorite protagonist in the film industry, Yuki also taught me a thing or two about Japanese culture and history. If you’d like to learn more, please look into your local library and pick this up. You can’t miss out on this classic anime character.

Tetsuo Rengoku

The legendary swordmaster of the Tokyo Blade Works, Tetsuo Rengoku also known as “The Demon Slayer,” is arguably the strongest and fastest swordsman of all time. Aside from holding immense strength, he also possesses awesome magical gifts. 

A demon born from the sea waves, Tetsuo was able to control fire, wind, water, and earth. Due to his supernatural powers, he has saved hundreds of lives, allowing him to perform magic with nothing ever happening. What makes him so dangerous is that he can possess several different types of spirits. So in addition to being a huge superheroine, you have the chance to take a step into another dimension.


Armin is a French knight who lived during the 14th century. He had grown up in France and became the third lord of Normandy’s military. But when Armin meets Kurone, he decides to travel up north towards China and fight for freedom. 

At the end of the adventure, he loses himself and then returns to discover that Koryok is not alone, as Armin was too. Fortunately, Armin is reunited with Kurone by the name of Neel. Armin doesn’t mind, telling Kurone, “It’s not a war I intend.” And in return, Kurone says, “I don’t need a war.” Having been a part of both countries and fought side by side, they have become close friends and helped each other solve problems.

The combination of the two makes it clear that they will never let anything stop them. Together with Taka, they will continue to save millions of lives and bring peace to thousands of people. We should see lots more of these guys in action in upcoming media.

Anayama Kono: 

Anaya Kamuro is a girl of mystery as well as talent. Her special characteristics are being able to move objects or change color whenever something moves. Of course, this also applies to music. She finds herself playing the guitar and singing at school and it seems as though a certain song keeps cropping up during the classes. 

Surprisingly, it’s something she does without realizing, which causes many people to suspect she has stolen someone’s voice. Now that’s not entirely true until she finally realizes that she does own that voice. And of course, people are becoming more curious, wondering why and how and how much more she’s capable of doing. 

Be warned that she can turn anyone into a beautiful woman just by touching their hair! However, to protect her identity, she disguises herself and tries to keep her secret to herself as clean as possible. And after hearing her sing a few songs for the public, people start to believe there might be a chance to find out what kind of person her real voice is and what she is capable of.

Hanako Maikawa: 

The genius artist is the famous artist named Hanako. Not only is she talented, but she also has the gift of a pianist like Mozart. However, the secret Hanako wants all the painters and musicians of all ages to hear is hidden behind the piano. She wants to prove everyone wrong by showing them a piece of piano that she made.

However, she may not have known that was possible until she met and fell in love with the boy she loves. That’s how Hanako grew up as a musician, but she was pretty shy and didn’t show it. However, one day she found a fellow pianist who had also forgotten how to play. 

They were together for several months and shared many melodies throughout the city. And when it came down to it, Hanako finally became confident enough to reveal to everybody how good she could be. 

People were shocked to learn about her talent and so shocked that her parents allowed her to pursue it. Then, she ended up spending five years learning how to play. After realizing her potential, Hanako wanted to show people what she was capable of, which led to numerous concerts, performances, and tours. Soon enough, she decided to teach art lessons and eventually open a company called “Hanoko Art School” that specializes in teaching students how to play the piano.

Cogito Ergo Suma: 

The hero for many stories and some anime as well. He is often mistaken for a man and that allows for some interesting situations to occur in the books. Orphaned by the curse on his forehead, Sagiyoshi thinks he is trapped by the spirit of Tsuga, who gave his life for him in a cave on Mount Tomoyoshi. 

When he wakes up, he is astonished into believing that both sides are one. Being held captive inside a cave does not prevent him from seeing the world around him and he quickly becomes obsessed with finding the answers to the riddles. Later known as “Cogitoer” (literally, child thinking), he is adopted by the orphan named Sumitomo and brought back home to spend seven days in the mountains. 

During this time, he begins exploring some of the ruins created by the mountain, uncovering a new way to enter the caves, and discovering a place where he can spend his entire life. Unfortunately, he also discovers that he needs to escape and leave the cave before anyone else does. Luckily, he manages to escape and find a cave where he and Sumitomo live happily ever after.


If you are an anime character lover and want to find out the best INTJ characters then you must read this article it will provide you with great help. Above are the top best INTJ anime characters who will never disappoint you. 

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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