The World’s TOP List Of Buses

The World’s TOP List Of Buses

Here is a list of the best buses in the world that inspire many body designs in the world, which one do you think is the most interesting?

The best buses in the world

Many of the best bus products were born on the European continent, including Travego, Cetra, Scania, Irisar, Neoplan, Lion Coach and Volvo puzzle phone.
All these buses have their advantages in terms of character design and current features of these buses.

If so, take a look at the list of the best buses in the world, ranking seven to one as the best buses in the world.

Volvo 9700

The Volvo 9700 has been named the seventh best bus in the world.
The Volvo 9700 bus model is considered to be smooth, rarely made by local Indonesian bodybuilders, and perhaps it is classic and simple.

The Volvo 9700 got the nickname “The Conservative”, which can mean simple or traditional.
This can be seen from the simple, non-adventurous and sticky model.

With this simple design idea, the Volvo 9700 became the bus company’s choice of choice, as a model like this would be more durable over time.

This Volvo bus model is out of date and may only look “good puzzle phone” when it first appears, but it’s nice to see newer competing bus models appear.

Irisar P.B.
The Irizar PB is a bus variant of the Spanish body known for its luxury bus model, because in its appearance alone, the Irisar PB already reflects a different luxury from other bus models.

This bus is very popular, not only in the European mainland, but also in Indonesia, where many large OPs have been proven, such as the PO Nusantara, Nusa India, the Irizar model built by Adi Putro Corpus and New Armada.

Irizar PB got the nickname “Luxury” due to its various variants of Irizar, and perhaps the most popular of the premium class buses is the Irisar PB series, so this bus is well suited to be used as a specialty bus that represents the luxury of the fifth class. – Star hotels. Irisar PB is ranked sixth among the top seven buses in the world.

Lion trainer

The Lions Coach is the fifth bus of the seven best buses in the world.

Lions Coach, the sales outlet of many bus companies in Europe, offers reliability, comfort, safety and economy, where the MAN Lions coach provides confidence and a sense of security in the MAN known for its chassis and engine. There is also evidence that PO Nusantara Kudus purchased the MAN R37 three-axle chassis to power its ships.

“The Guard” is apt nickname for the Lions coach as this bus model is able to survive the competition between other big companies around the world.

Scania Tourism

Scania Touring has been ranked fourth in the list of the world’s top seven buses, with a brutal and brutal reputation emanating from the Travego and the Scania Touring bus model, one of the most popular bus models in Indonesia.

The Scania Touring model has been adopted by Tantrum Body Shop as the Scorpion King for the East Java Body Shop to shoulder with the big body shops in Indonesia and to become famous in the Indonesian body shop industry.

Scania Touring got the nickname “The Explorer” because the nature of this bus is perfect for adventure or as a touring fleet puzzle phone. In addition, the Scania Touring Tail Light Trend has had a huge impact on inspiring the development of Indonesian buses.

Neoplan Starliner

The Neoplank Starliner came in third in the list of the seven best buses in the world. This Starliner bus model is very special and different from other bus models.

The StarLiner has a strong character that can be seen from the front view of this wide and wide bus.
In addition, comfort and safety.
Also, it has very attractive additional features, i.e. panoramic view from the glass roof, which definitely gives it a high selling point.

Also, the Neoplan Starliner has a wide window at the front of the bus, so it is ideal for enjoying the scenery on a sightseeing trip.

The nickname “The Legend” pinned is apt, as it brings the strong spirit of legend emanating from the design line of headlights and wide glass, making it an epic choice, making it one of the best choices for bus companies. Select this model.

Since Setra and Travego are on the same roof, Setra is Travego’s brother under the Evobus flag.
Setra is a character style bus

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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