
V-Fib Vs Asystole: What’s The Difference

V-Fib Vs Asystole: What’s The Difference

Do you know the difference between V-Fib and Asystole? If not, you've come to the right place. Both of them are cardiac arrest conditions caused by different underlying mechanisms. In this article, we'll discuss the differences between V-Fib and Asystole, their underlying conditions, and multiple treatment options. What Is V-Fib (Ventricular Fibrillation)? Ventricular Fibrillation, or V-Fib for short, is a malfunction in the heart's normal sinus rhythm and pumping sequence. It's also known as arrhythmia, a common and deadly irregular heart rhythm. In V-Fib, the lower chambers of your heart twitch and quiver instead of completely squeezing or expanding. It…
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