
How to Reach Kailash Mansarovar from Delhi by Flight, Train and Road?

How to Reach Kailash Mansarovar from Delhi by Flight, Train and Road?

Indians, whether Buddhists or Hindus have a passion for Tibet. They are in a belief that Kailash is the center of spiritual existence. Drinking and bathing in Lake Mansarovar, and doing a parikrama of Mount Kailash tends to bring good fortune to the worshippers. Therefore, going to Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar is an important pilgrimage route for Indians. According to the records in the Indian creation epic Ramayana and Tibetan historical books Gangdisi Sea Records and Puranas, people's worship of Kailash can be traced back to around 1000 BC. The main peak of the Kailash range is located in Burang County, Ngari Prefecture,…
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