Healthy Lifestyle

Lifestyle Changes and Habits to Reduce Bad Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Lifestyle Changes and Habits to Reduce Bad Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Introduction: Triglycerides and cholesterol are very important for human health. However, excess triglycerides and cholesterol in the body can create complications for the person. Anything in the excess is not good for the body. Therefore, it only makes sense that high cholesterol and triglycerides pose a threat to a patient.  High cholesterol and triglyceride levels often arise from lifestyle habits and diets followed. Therefore, lifestyle medicine prescriptions can control the levels and create a healthy body. However, before introducing lifestyle changes for controlling cholesterol and triglycerides levels, a person must know why it is important.  Lifestyle Changes and their Efficacy : What…
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5 Lifestyle Changes that will Improve Your Health 

5 Lifestyle Changes that will Improve Your Health 

Unknown to many, all the day-to-day choices and habits significantly influence overall health. As a result, you can either grow stronger with a lower tendency for disease or be susceptible to various degenerative health issues. Whichever will be can be traced to your daily lifestyle choices.   Choices like alcohol consumption, exercise, smoking, amount of water you drink, the nature of food you eat, etc., affects your health.   Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels  However, once you decide to improve your health, you must be ready to accompany it with a couple of healthy lifestyle changes. Simple habits that will enhance your…
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5 Natural Ways to Live a Life without Erectile Dysfunction

5 Natural Ways to Live a Life without Erectile Dysfunction

1. Consume the Rainbow Eat the entire rainbow! Look for items that are brightly coloured in the food area. These include a higher concentration of antioxidants, which protect our cells from free radical damage. Eating the rainbow entails ingesting a diverse range of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Plant pigments, or phytonutrients, are what give them their color. Plants with various hues of the same color contain nutrients and provide health benefits. It's always a good idea to eat more fruits and vegetables, but eating a rainbow of colours can help you get a better balance of vitamins…
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