Strategic Management: There Are Four Phases

strategic management

Many companies have mission declarations that outline why they exist, what their products are, and which consumer markets they target. Strategic management refers to the continuous analysis of internal processes and resources used in the delivery of these products by organizations. Each strategy should be implemented in four phases. Decision-makers must understand their purpose.


The four phases are implementation, evaluation, modification, and formulation.


Formulation refers to the process of selecting the most profitable strategy for success. This is where goals are established and methods for achieving them. It is vital to pay attention and be aware of the important areas around products or services.

One example is if a company wants more sales to the online market. Company decision-makers should consider alternatives if they find that their investment is not being repaid by competitors in the market. A business might launch its own online store if it is seeing more sales than its competitors.

Implementation of Strategies

Implementation involves the execution and monitoring of the strategies needed to achieve the set objectives. Each employee must be clear about their roles and responsibilities for success. The most appropriate activity measures provide useful feedback that provides data and facts that can identify positive effects and areas for improvement.

This phase requires companies to pay attention to the details and to monitor processes so that they can quickly make adjustments as needed. It is possible to improve the speed of delivery by using pre-printed shipping labels to simplify packaging and carrier pickup.

Evaluating Strategy’s Result

The implementation phase evaluation serves as performance feedback. Companies that have set goals may use a gap assessment to determine how they did. To identify the need for new products or to add to existing products, it is important to compare the present state with the desired future. One example is for a company to compare its anticipated consumer purchases with actual sales figures or to compare old shipping times with new delivery times.

Modifications and Amplification

The modification phase is vital in correcting any failures or weaknesses identified during the evaluation. It is possible to apply the strengths that were identified in other areas. A strategy that sells a select number of products via the internet, and sales data shows a significant profit, is one example. An opportunity to expand the product line and improve the overall process can lead to new revenue streams. You may want to consider an enhanced marketing plan, including search engine advertisements, to bring more customers to the website.

What is Business Planning Process?

The business planning process answers two questions: Are we where we are now? Where do you want to go? This is how a business plan is created. It guides management on how to run the company. Business plans help companies plan their resources and determine the most important tasks.

We Are Where We Need To Be

A critical assessment of the current business state is the first step to planning. The management team assesses where the company is succeeding and where it falls short. One example would be meeting revenue targets or establishing the company’s reliability, reputation, and market standing. The planning process gives you a blueprint to improve in every area.

What is the Competitor Doing?

It is important to keep track of and monitor competitors. However, this information is useful in the planning process as it allows you to identify the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This analysis gives management insight into how to position company products and services to win more customers. The best way to beat a competitor may be to offer better customer services than lower prices.

What’s Your Opportunity?

The best products and services are what customers want. This is how you can succeed in business. Before launching products or entering new markets, managers must identify the problem and solve it. You must make the customer’s problem a priority and solve it immediately. It is critical that the company makes wise decisions about how to utilize its resources best.

How Can We Attract and Maintain Customers?

The marketing strategy identifies which customer segments will be targeted and how they will convert to purchases. This planning must include specific, well-defined tactics and not vague generalities. Instead of merely stating that the company will engage in Internet marketing, the plan must specify which Internet marketing categories will be used, what websites will be used, as well the cost of advertising. You must also list the reasons these strategies are likely successful. is a website that offers management tips and techniques for small businesses. They have the best online business directory. No monthly fees or pay-per-click. It can be affordable; there is also a forum where users can ask questions and share ideas.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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