Seven Things to Expect From CoolSculpting

If you have been working hard at the gym but aren’t experiencing visible fat loss, you may be a perfect candidate for Coolsculpting. This treatment qualifies as a body contouring treatment and targets and eliminates stubborn fat from different areas of the body that tend to hold onto diet and exercise-resistant fat cells. The result is a tighter, slimmer, more confident you.

1. It’s Completely Non-Surgical

One of the benefits of scheduling this body contouring treatment at a day spa in Fort Collins is that it’s completely non-surgical. It doesn’t require any pre-surgical preparation, anesthesia, or incisions. It’s non-invasive and helps you target and eliminate stubborn fat cells without any of the side effects and risks associated with surgical procedures designed to remove stubborn fat.

2. It’s Virtually Painless

Since this treatment is non-surgical, you won’t have to worry about any anesthesia or topical numbing solutions to comfortably make it through the treatment. Once your technician places the cooling pad on your desired treatment area and begins the treatment process, you will feel an intense cooling sensation that will subside within a few minutes as the area becomes numb.

Then, you won’t feel anything as the device blasts your fat cells with cooling temperatures to initiate a process called cryolipolysis, which involves the crystallization of fat cells, resulting in cell death.

3. The Treatment Causes Natural Fat Loss

Cryolypolisis a scientific process developed by Harvard-based scientists. They discovered that when the fat cells are frozen, they crystallize and experience cell death. When fat cells die, the body eliminates them from the treatment area, and the result is significantly decreased fat volume in that area. This treatment is a natural yet effective way to target and destroy fat cells, and it does so without using chemicals, injections, or other unnatural products or techniques.

4. The Results Appear Gradually

Coolsculpting does not deliver immediate results like liposuction, a surgical procedure designed to remove fat. Instead, the results appear gradually as the body slowly eliminates the dead fat cells from the treatment area in the months following your treatment. Patients typically see the best results within two to four months of initial treatment. Your results may appear sooner or later based on how quickly your body flushes the fat cells from your system.

You can take steps to help speed this process by supporting your lymphatic system after your treatment. Regular workouts, drinking plenty of water, and adding movement into your day will all help you support your lymphatic system. Then, it will operate as efficiently as possible and flush those fat cells from the treatment area so that you can experience results as soon as possible.

5. Results Are Dramatic With Coolsculpting

Even though it will take some time for your body to process and eliminate the dead fat cells, you will achieve some dramatic results. Those results just take time, but patients can lose up to 25% fat volume in their treatment area. One of the best ways to track your results is to take before pictures and weekly after pictures to see the slow but steady improvement in the appearance of your treatment area as your body responds to the process.

6. You Can Treat MultipleAreas

Many people choose to use this treatment to address stubborn fat cells in the abdomen, but it can also be used to treat other areas with stubborn fat. This body contouring treatment provides a versatile and customizable way to address multiple areas with stubborn fat. It will successfully eliminate stubborn fat from the abdomen, flanks, thighs, bra fat, back fat, the upper arms, jawline, and the double chin.

You can treat one or multiple areas as needed. Your technician will create a treatment plan to address each area during the same session so you can achieve your results as quickly as possible. Some patients begin treating one area and love their results so much that they return and treat additional areas to accomplish body goals.

7. Results Are Permanent with Coolsculpting

After you undergo this treatment and your body successfully and efficiently eliminates the dead fat cells from the treatment area, expect permanent results so long as you avoid weight gain after your treatment. This body contouring treatment destroys fat cells, and once the body flushes them out, they can’t come back.

Your body won’t regrow new fat cells, but those left in the treatment area have the potential to expand if you do gain weight. You can maintain your results by eating a healthy diet, exercising daily, and living a healthy lifestyle.

You don’t have to add extra workouts to your routine or severely restrict your caloric intake to target pockets of fat. This treatment works, and it delivers incredible results. Once you invest in this treatment, you’ll realize that it’s not too good to be true, you will see results, and you’ll feel more confident about your appearance.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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