How To Use A Slim Jim Tool?


Use A Slim Jim Tool

It’s possible that you’ll have to get into your vehicle at some point, precisely if you’ve forgotten the keys inside. A slim jim would be a valuable item in such a case. This article will explain how a slim jim tool functions and how to use a slim jim tool for cars.

When you misuse the tool, the lock rod can get dislodged, rendering the entire mechanism useless. It is usually a sign that someone has tried to break into your vehicle.

Have you found yourself trapped outside your vehicle? Do not blame yourself for being distracted. It is something that can occur to even the most well-intentioned individuals. We understand how aggravating, not to mention humiliating, it can be, but what’s past is past. You can contact a locksmith for cars this time, and we’ll also teach you how to use basic equipment called the slim jim to get inside your vehicle even though it’s locked from the inside.

What is a Slim Jim Tool?

A slim jim is a thin metal strip made from the metal sheet with a notch cut on one of its sides at the bottom end. It is among the most significant tools for opening a car’s door instead of using the keys. Manufacturers design the notch to catch onto the rod attached to a car’s door handle, allowing a user to pull the door wide open. A slim jim may readily open a door without inflicting significant harm to the locking mechanism.

The slim jim is extremely popular equipment among locksmiths and, regrettably, among many vehicle thieves. It can also be available in nearly every lockout tool kit on the markets. Understanding how and when to use it can save you a lot of time and effort. So let’s get started learning how to unlock a car door with it instead of using the keys. You can also learn how to make a slim jim tool if you don’t want to buy one.

Method of Using a Slim Jim Tool to Open Car Door

  • Using the slim jim to open a car, you must first break through the rubber barrier between the door and the glass to enter the car door’s locking system. The rubber sealing prevents dirt, debris, and water from entering the car’s door’s interior space. This inner area in most old cars contains nothing but the locking system; therefore, getting behind the seal will give you instant access.
  • To get the slim jim within the door, you’ll need to produce a space big enough for it to slip through. To do so, use a strong long stick or a wooden wedge of adequate thickness. Insert the stick in the middle of the space between the rubber seal and the glass, and gradually press it in until the gap is wide enough. To avoid damaging the glass or the sealing, make sure the wood isn’t too thick and that you don’t exert too much force on it or the wedge.
  • Put your slim jim in once the distance is wide enough by keeping it on the opposite end of the notch. A slender rod connects the handle to the lock on the inside. You must track down the rod with the slim jim and attach it with the slotted end. Throughout most vehicles, the rod is near to the door’s locking mechanism at the corner. While putting the slim jim, you will have to twist and turn to find the rod.
  • To unlock the door lock system, push or pull the tool up or down after connecting to the inner rod.

Method of Using a Slim Jim on Power Locks

If you have a modern car with a power lock, using a slim jim tool to open a door is perhaps not a good option. The doors in these cars store the mechanical parts of the lock and the electrical cables required to operate it. When you use a tool in one of these cars, you risk harming or destroying one or more of the electric cables within, making the locking system useless.

Most technicians may advise against using this tool because of the higher maintenance fees that could be incurred. We don’t encourage using it either, and while we’ll still tell you how to do it, you should only use the approach below if you have no other options. The guidelines for using a slim jim on vehicles with powered locks are as follows.

  • To begin, locate a wire layout for your vehicle’s door. Make sure you obtain the proper one for your automobile based on its type and production year. Slim jims can’t get to the locking system in some current cars because there’s a shielding within.
  • Next, you must locate the lightest tool on the market to open a power lock. As the previous paragraph explains, make a gap between the seal and the glass and carefully slide the tool inside.
  • Gently navigate the tool until you find the latching rod. If you come into an obstruction inside, stop right away and check the wiring layout for the doorway to see if it’s a bolt or a wire. Go around it if it’s a screw; however, if the tool is made of wire, gently bend, or twist it.

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By 12 Disruptors Admin

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