How To Set Up An Outstanding Facebook Business Page

How to set up an outstanding Facebook business page

If you were to ask this question almost a decade ago, there would be a lot of raised eyebrows and confused facial expressions that you would see. There was no clue as to how one can open a Facebook business page at that time. But today, Facebook has become the bread and butter of entertainment, business, and so much more. 

There are more than 1.86 billion users who check their Facebook account daily. And more than a billion who spend hours scrolling their feeds, updating their status, putting a random video on their timeline, or sharing some other things. All of this traffic and activity has attracted a lot of people throughout the past few years. There is no denying the fact that people do require a few things to get started but when they do, Facebook can do things that none else can. It is simply a cooked-up place with thriving traffic that lures people to set up their accounts. That is what a social media page is worth, or we can say, this is why social media can do to your business. 

So, if you are starting up with a hot idea and think it has got everything, then getting onto Facebook can help you a lot. Here is how you can set up an outstanding Facebook business page so that you get going with your work. 

Some essential tips that can help you in getting a better Facebook page

  • You should refrain from creating a personal profile of your business page
  • Avoid publishing any mishap or your personal story on the business page
  • Try to add a profile picture that depicts your business, so that when people look at it, they understand whatever they are going to get inside.
  • With cover photos coming in, you can now put up a customized and engaging cover photo.
  • You can also add a call to action button on your page that will take the customer/ viewer directly to your website. 
  • Do not skip in filling the about section on your business page. It will be helpful and is a must for you.
  • You can also include/ add the milestones that your business has achieved till now.
  • Keep posting quotations, videos, photos, and memes (if possible) on your timeline- all of it should be related to your business though!
  • There should be an ideal frequency as well as the time of your posts. Do not upload them randomly.
  • Use the free Facebook tools that are offered by the social media channel to know your ideal time, customer engagement, post engagement, and so on.
  • You can also start pinning the important posts on the top of your social media page
  • There is now a setting where you can set up that if you require your Facebook Fans (regular users/ viewers) to text you separately.
  • Keep a regular check and also monitor the comments that you get on your page. 
  • The more you promote your business the better it will become. So keep promoting your page to get more followers and generate more engagement.
  • Use the tools of Facebook to check and measure how good or bad your posts are doing. Is it worth giving an effort or not.

How can you easily create an amazing Facebook Business Page?

There is a thumb rule that you should be following- it states that while creating a Business Page on Facebook, you should analyse the major things. What should be your profile picture, what will come up to your cover image, what Facebook ads will you be targeting, what is your target audience, the media planning, and the timing of your posts. 

So, here are the steps that you should be following right from the beginning to end to make a good Facebook Business Page:

  • Sign up to Facebook

Your personal social media page and the business account should not have any influence on each other. You should be very curative about this. A lot of people do start their business using their personal page but that should be avoided if possible. Once you have created your new Facebook account, you will then have to create a page for your business which is also known as a brand page on Facebook. There is a complete guide on what you will have to do while creating a Facebook page. Just keep following that and you will have to click on “Get Started” at the end. 

Before this, you will be asked for several basic things like your brand page name, category, business category, a small description, a logo (if there exists), a cover picture, and a small about us section write-up. From there when you proceed, you will have to accept the policies of Facebook groups and events. 

  • Now customize your Facebook Page

There are healthy chances that you might have skipped a lot of things initially, like writing the about section, uploading a cover image, or a profile picture. This is the correct time to do all of this. Your profile picture and cover photo are going to be the heart and soul of your social media page and will be your visual assets. Where several business owners use a common or localized photo picked up from the internet; it is better to advance to the next level. You should not be lazy in putting up a cover or profile picture that synchronizes with your brand speak.

The best thing to do here is to get your brand’s logo as your profile picture. Something similar should go on your cover image. When in the cover image, make sure the picture you want to be seen should be visible. Then just fill in all the other left-out entries.

  • Give in your business information

Now, another very important thing that your Facebook Page should have is the business information. One of the hacks of getting better engagement is to put up a description that will help in deriving better leads. You should not make it lengthy or fluff. Just keep it crisp and target the audience that will be apt for your business. Put in your contact, operational hours, location, username, and other helpful details. 

Having all this on your social media page will immensely help you with your business. Your viewers and potential customers will know about your presence, your offerings, and other things. 

  • Add a CTA button

Now when all your information is put online, you will have to put the last step of the funnel in the right place. Putting a CTA button. This button acts as a trigger or a direction provider. After all that you have shown to your viewers, there should be a direction where they should head to now. Isn’t it? To offer them a way to your services or to convert your viewers into leads; these CTA buttons work wonders. 

  • Publish your posts according to the best time of your zone

This can determine by the posts that your friends or someone in your known would have been doing. Or for better understanding, you can publish 10-20 posts on your timeline and then use Facebook Analytics to determine the best time for your posting. The best time to publish your content depends on a lot of things and one of the main things is the time zone. This will help in multiple ways including getting better traction.


There are a lot of ways to bring more customers or leads to your business. It all depends on you as to how you get it. When it comes to making an outstanding stir in the market, a free logo maker might not be enough. You would require help from experts like Designhill. Social media platforms have developed and evolved into something amazing and wonderful over the years. If you are able to use it properly, you will be able to get better engagement.

Facebook is one of the leading business getters in the market for small-scale entrepreneurs and startups. So, start building up your empire by following the above-given steps and taking help from experts. 

Author Bio: With experience in News Media company for many years with Journalistic Touch and knowledge of how to create and recreate information into News. Now serving to ‘The Next Hint’ to serve people with right and original Content. Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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