How to Diagnose and Fix the Most Common SEO Issues


Websites really need to have their content optimised for search engines (SEO). Google conducts an analysis of websites based on a wide range of criteria in order to enhance the search engine results pages (SERPs) and prioritise user-friendly websites in the list of sites returned by a search. The farther down the list you go, however, the worse the quality of the sites becomes.

Google’s database is filtered via the use of algorithms, which increases the database’s usefulness to end users. As a result, it is essential for site owners to correctly execute search engine optimization. This includes using solely “white-hat” search engine optimization strategies in their advertising.

You’ve found the proper location if you’re also having trouble with SEO India difficulties and you need to address them as soon as possible.

In this blog post, we are going to examine the most prevalent SEO issues, as well as potential solutions to those issues. Crawling and indexing, search engine optimization (SEO) on individual pages, and content creation will be the primary focuses of our recommendations since they are the most crucial aspects to enhance.

Let’s get started!

1. Search Engine “Crawling” and “Indexing”

After creating a website from scratch, the next step is to optimise it so that search engines can find it. The web crawler that Google employs will go over your website in an organised fashion in order to index it in Google’s database. If Googlebot is unable to find or crawl a website, then it will not be included in the search results for that query.

There is a wide variety of technological concerns, each of which has the potential to create crawlability problems on your website. The following is a list of frequent difficulties that need to be resolved before you can remedy this problem:

Server errors

Incorrect robots.txt file as well as meta tags

Links that do not follow

Internal broken connections

Improper sitemaps

Incorrect reroutings

HTTP stands for “HyperText Transfer Protocol” (HTTP)

Google’s Various Methods for Indexing Your Website

In most cases, making your website available to Google requires little more than verifying that it is using Google Search Console. But what would happen if Googlebot is unable to crawl and index your page in its entirety because of specific issues?

Follow these helpful hints:

You need to include a file called robots.txt in the root directory of your website, which would look like this:

Make sure that you utilise the nofollow and noindex tags in the proper context.

You should equip your website with an XML sitemap and then upload it to the Google Search Console.

Check the loading performance using Google PageSpeed Insights and make improvements if necessary.

Crawl issues may be found and fixed with the help of Google Search Console. You may access the Crawl part of Google Search Console by going to that website. In this section, you will be able to check to see whether any of the pages on your website have 404 problems.

Converting your website from HTTP to HTTPS will make it more secure if it currently uses HTTP.

Additionally, you will need to check to see whether each of your website’s pages has been indexed. To do this, conduct a search on Google using the term After that, you may proceed with the instructions below:

Launch the Google Search Console application.

To access the URL Inspection Tool, click here.

Copy all of the URLs and paste them into the search box to index them.

After Google has checked the URLs, you will see a button labelled “Request Indexing.”

2. Duplicate Materia

l The majority of webmasters are confronted with the problem of duplicate content these days. This issue arises when Google finds information that is same or very similar on a single website or several websites. Because of this, Google is unable to determine which page should be shown in search results and which page should be considered the original source of the material.

The occurrence of duplicate content problems may be attributed to a variety of factors, including faceted navigation, mobile-friendly URLs, session IDs, parameterized URLs, print-friendly URLs, internationalisation, and so on.

Solutions to the Problems Caused by Duplicate Content

As discussed previously, duplicate content concerns might emerge due to several factors. As a result, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of duplicate material. To locate instances of duplicate material on the website, we strongly advise undertaking a comprehensive site audit. In addition, the Screaming Frog webmaster tool may be used in order to locate instances of duplicate content.

The following are some ways that are advised to avoid concerns with duplicate content:

You may change the URL version that you like for your site by going to the Google Search Console.

If you have the same information shown on many pages of your website, you should use the rel=canonical tag.

Make use of 301 redirects to merge many pages into one, cut down on redundant content, and strengthen the organisation of the website.

Use noindex meta tag to guarantee unneeded pages containing duplicate content do not get indexed.

Remove duplicate material and replace it with new information that is optimised for search engines.

3. URL Optimization

Users and search engines alike benefit from URLs that have been optimised. URLs that are helpful to SEO provide prospective visitors and search engines with information about a website page. Crawlers will have a tough time accessing and indexing websites that have faulty URLs or URLs that are poorly organised. The protocol, subdomain, root domain, top-level domain (TLD), slug, and page name are the components that make up a standard URL.

URLs that haven’t been properly optimised may give rise to a number of issues:

There are several URLs for the homepage, including www and non-www versions of URLs, as well as dynamic URLs that point to the same page.

The decline in position

Lessening of the amount of traffic

Solutions to Common Problems With URL Optimization

Make sure the URLs of your website are brief, descriptive, and full of keywords. When optimising a URL, the main objective should be to make it as legible as possible.

The following are the procedures that need to be taken in order to methodically improve the URL of your website for search engine optimization:

To begin, you will need to adjust the structure of the URLs in accordance with the SEO principles and maintain that consistency across the site. For instance, a worldwide eCommerce website or a social networking site need to have a distinct URL structure than a website devoted to a single blogger’s personal blog.

After you have corrected the URL structure of your website, the following step is to choose a keyword to focus on for each individual page.

If you want to protect the data of your users on your website, utilise HTTPS instead of HTTP. Your website’s trustworthiness will increase along with its level of safety when you switch to HTTPS. In addition, Google gives more priority to websites that use the HTTPS protocol, and it is more likely to rank these websites higher than unsecured ones.

The length of URLs should be shortened, and hyphens should be used to separate words. Always write URLs using lowercase characters, since this makes them easier for crawlers to read and retrieve. Always use 301 redirects whenever you make changes to the URLs of existing pages on your website or add new pages. This will prevent 404 errors and broken links.

It is better for your search engine optimization to use subfolders rather than subdomains. You should also try to avoid having extraneous files in the URL structure of your website.

4. Mobile-Friendliness

There is a possibility that you may run into problems with the mobile-friendliness of the site and get an error. This indicates that your page is not optimised for use on mobile devices. This may be the result of a number of factors, including restricted robots.txt files, a web design that is not responsive, a sluggish loading speed, or an inadequate site structure.

Ways To Fix Mobile-Friendliness Issues

In the beginning, you may begin by going to the Mobile Usability area of the Google Search Console in order to locate mobile usability problems.

When building or revamping your website, you should keep mobile devices in mind. Take into consideration the accessibility of the information.

Structured data should be implemented using

You can determine which pages on your website are dragging down the loading speed by using the tool provided by Google called PageSpeed Insights.

Caching in browsers may help minimise the amount of time it takes for your mobile sites to load.

You may increase the speed of your website, reduce the strain on your server, and improve the user experience by using web caching.

When you are finished optimising your website for mobile, perform Google’s mobile-friendly test to verify whether or not your website is mobile-friendly and user-friendly.

5. Website Architecture Based on Silo

It is vital to have a website structure based on silos in order to provide user-friendly navigation and improve SEO. Webmasters have the ability to insert structured information wherever on the site thanks to silo structures, which also guarantees that each page is relevant to its keywords and makes it easier to interlink pages.

Websites with inadequate silo structures have a lower chance of being found by search robots. In addition, an inappropriate silo layout might lead to navigation that is not well structured and a negative experience for the user.

Ways To Fix Mobile Friendliness Issues

Using the silo website SEO structure, you will have no trouble at all organising and arranging the content on your website. The fundamental objective of the silo website design is to provide an improved experience for users by simplifying navigation and preserving a logical hierarchy across the site.

The construction of an appropriate silo structure for your location may be accomplished by following the stages outlined below.

As the first pages for your website, you should create parent pages.

Construct a group of supplementary pages to go along with the first pages.

Instead of haphazardly building pages for your website, carefully design the architecture of your site.

Research should be done on keywords, after which they should be categorised and organised into main categories and subcategories.

Carry out some research on keywords for the hub pages.

Make sure that you can visit all of the essential pages of your website with no more than three clicks from the homepage.

6. Canonicalization

It is essential to canonicalize content in order to improve the site’s search engine optimization performance. The webmaster has the ability, via the use of canonical tags, to alert search engines about certain URLs that serve as the original. It eliminates the problems that are often brought on by pages that contain duplicate material. When canonical tags are either not used at all or introduced in an incorrect manner, the search engine is unable to correctly identify the pages that should be considered the master copies.

Solutions to Common Canonicalization Problems

When you are working on the pagination for your website, you need to ensure that each page canonically refers to itself.

Websites that make use of hreflang need to have URLs that refer to themselves via the utilisation of canonical tags.

Always remember to include a canonical tag that points to the URL of your homepage whenever you update it.

Perform a manual check of the canonical tags on your website, particularly eCommerce websites.

How to Improve Your Technical SEO and Stay Ahead of Possible Problems

Improving just few areas of SEO is not enough to gain better positions on search engine results pages (SERPs). Technical SEO extends well beyond simple site design considerations like indexing or user friendliness. In order to reap the advantages of search engine optimization (SEO) over the long run, webmasters need to conduct themselves ethically throughout the process.

In order to increase the technical SEO of your site, you will need to take into mind the following things:

Site architecture URL ttructure XML sitemap

Data that is structured

JavaScript redirects for duplicate content with the 301 code

By 12disruptors Admin