Claim Physical Shares Online With Some Simple Steps

Are you holding a share certificate in your hand but don’t know what to do with it? There might be a long time passed since you have forgotten about your shares and you have a lot of accrued dividend that needs to be claimed? Are you counted in one of them who has unclaimed dividends and over that, you don’t know how to get all that income back? First, you need to know that those shares against which you were getting dividends will remain yours for a lifetime.

It is simply that you don’t trade those shares anymore and those shares are left in a way that you don’t have dividends for a long time due to any reason than it is transferred to IEPF.

How to get shares back?

When a time period of seven years is completed then the company starts transferring it to IEPF whereas still, the physical form is in your possession. There may be numerous reasons why you might not get the interest as you might have shifted to some other place without any intimation or the person holding the shares might have forgotten about that income which was needed to be claimed.

Due to technological advancement, you can get everything done online. So, you need not have to hassle as you will get your dividend back. You need to follow some steps and after that, you would be able to have and claim physical shares and dividends.

All You Need To Do

By following these steps, you would be able to get your dividend and physical shares back, so now, no inconvenience is left to you. Investors with shares can claim their dividends and enjoy their rightful income.

  • First of all, you need to visit the website of the IEPF. It is a government website so you need not look whether it involves any fraud or it is fully legit. You will be able to find the website over the internet very easily and then you need to do simple things to get your dividend back.
  • The next step is to fill out the form to claim shares and dividends and then you need to get it printed. Afterward, you need to submit a copy to the company. It will enable you to get your money within no time.
  • Then your application will be verified and all the details will be furnished to you within the next fifteen days.

You will receive your refund on an electronic basis after the verification procedure is completed. There are no fees involved in this process and if you will take the help of mediators then they may charge you but if you do everything yourself then you will get every amount back without paying anything. What are you waiting for? These are some of the simple steps that would help you to get everything done effortlessly.

Summing Up

You need to take care that you have to submit all the documents carefully and if there is any problem then you need to submit your documents again to the nodal officer of the company and this may take time.

So if you want to avoid inconvenience then you need to do everything carefully. As an investor, you have the proper right to get everything back so claim physical shares as soon as possible. When you claim shares then you must know that the certificates must be in your hand so there are some things that you need to get in your mind only then you would be able to recover your amount.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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