5 ways to get promoted fast in the office

leadership skills

Getting promoted fast in office can be difficult if you’re not taking the right steps to get there. You have to make sure you impress your superiors by working hard, making sure you can do the job, and showing your leadership skills when necessary. It also helps to know how to get promoted fast in your office, so you can get the promotion before someone else does and still be around long enough to enjoy it!

Here are 5 ways to get promoted fast in the office.

Boost your productivity

Being more productive at work can be as simple as having a good breakfast or using those few extra minutes before your boss walks in to clean up and organise your workspace. Taking small steps like these can make you feel like you’re achieving more with less effort, even if it’s just for appearance’s sake.

It also helps you build a reputation for being a go-getter who doesn’t need anyone telling them what to do—which will surely give you an edge when it comes time for promotion. Read on for a few more tips that might help you get promoted faster.

Network outside of your comfort zone

You don’t have to be a social butterfly or extrovert, but it is important that you expand your network of friends and colleagues outside of your usual circles. When you’re working on something important, you can’t afford to be surrounded by people who think like you do or agree with everything you say.

Talk to coworkers who appear influential and see if they would be open to mentoring (or hiring) someone like yourself—that is, after all, how many executives end up where they are. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; chances are that successful executives will jump at an opportunity for networking as well as mentorship. If not, take initiative and try again later down the road when circumstances change.

Go the extra mile

Getting that promotion at work is not about working harder. It’s about working smarter, and that starts with knowing when it’s time to go above and beyond your regular duties. One of my favourite examples is from Google, where employees are called upon to bring their A game every day.

Go out of your way for coworkers, supervisors and clients – be especially willing to do tasks that may not necessarily fall under your job description (and don’t hesitate if you think a colleague could handle a project better than you can). By doing more than what’s expected, you’ll set yourself apart as someone who is driven enough to want more responsibility -– which can make a real difference when it comes time for promotions.

Take on more than you can handle

When you’re first starting out, it’s a great idea to bite off more than you can chew. While it may be tough at first, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone will force you to learn and adapt quickly. Don’t give up—if you take on too much initially, chances are, your boss will notice your extra efforts and reward you with a promotion.

Remember that attitude is everything

If you’re like most people, your attitude is everything—and your work performance has everything to do with it. Positive attitudes lead to productivity and success. Take time each day to exercise, clear your mind and focus on what you want. It may sound simple, but maintaining a positive attitude helps you stay focused on your goals and achieve them faster.

Author Bio:

His experiences working for top brands like Unilever and Samsonite inspired him to write ‘The Rules of Work. Shivank set out to provide non-bullshitty, fact-based career advice that helps millennial workers get more opportunities and grow their careers faster. This blog is where he documents the daily challenges he and his colleagues face. Check him out on OfficeProductivity.org.

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By 12 Disruptors Admin

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