Why You Need A Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician?

sports medicine physician

During a game of kickball, you broke your big toe, and it’s in excruciating pain. Alternatively, you may be experiencing tennis elbow. If you have high blood pressure, you may desire to play basketball but are unsure if it is safe.

An injury or health issue might prevent you from returning to the game, whether you are participating in a team sport, an elite sport, or a recreational activity such as running or weightlifting. You may believe that your normal physician or an orthopedic surgeon is your only alternative, but here is where sports medicine enters the picture. A primary care sports physician provides specialized and all-encompassing treatment to athletes, active persons, and those who wish to become more active.

You Are Injured Or Wish To Prevent Injury

Whether they are internists, pediatrics, emergency or family medicine physicians, these experts have completed extra training for board certification in sports medicine, according to Experts.

Ninety percent of sports injuries do not necessitate surgery, including golfer’s elbow, Achilles tendonitis, and knee osteoarthritis. A primary care sports medicine doctor’s area of specialty is the treatment of these injuries and disorders. Likewise, so is preventing them. A general care sports medicine doctor has a whole arsenal of information regarding how to employ strength and cross-training, nutrition, and orthotics to prevent problems that place you on the bench.

You Are An Athlete Who Has A Health Concern

According to the expert, he and his colleagues assist the sports ambitions of individuals with a range of persistent health issues. “We encounter ladies with irregular periods or difficulties with bone density, athletes with eating disorders, and runners with diarrhea following exercise,” he explains. “The spectrum is covered, and there’s not much we haven’t seen.”

In addition to caring for patients with chronic conditions, primary care sports medicine physicians assist patients in recuperating from minor or severe sicknesses or injuries. They will assist you in determining when and how to return to your sport or activity safely.

You Are Unsure Of Why Your Performance Is Declining

Frequently, it is straightforward to determine why your athletic performance has declined. By treating frequent causes such as injury, sickness, and stress, you may typically return to your prior shape.

But what if you don’t know why you’re suddenly winded after a short run, your typical swim feels taxing, or a weight that you could easily carry a month ago now feels extremely heavy? Expert states that a decrease in strength, endurance, or general energy is all reasons to consult a primary care sports medicine physician.

You’re In Pain

Athletes and other physically active individuals are familiar with “good” pain: the soreness and stiffness that develops a day or two after a strenuous workout. They are also infamous for disregarding or playing through unpleasant discomfort. “We see it frequently in weekend warriors and professional athletes,” adds Expert. They say, “I’ll wait it out, things will improve.” However, certain forms of discomfort may signify or result in more severe or permanent harm.

Included in this category is pain that remains or increases after a few days, despite therapy at home. For instance, the initial indication of a stress fracture may be little more than discomfort or dull pain, but without adequate treatment, it can escalate to a complete break.

Pain that comes on abruptly and forcefully impairs your form or range of motion, or is accompanied by unusual swelling are further reasons to see a sports medicine physician.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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