Why dentists recommend soft-bristle toothbrushes?


History of the toothbrush:

In 1498, toothbrushes comparing those used today were designed in China. The nylon bristles were first presented by Dupont de Nemours and the first nylon toothbrush was called Doctor West’s Miracle Toothbrush. 

However, early societies utilized slim twigs with tattered endings to brush teeth. The use these “chew sticks” formed during 3000 B.C and these twigs were used like the strands of the modern-day toothbrush.

In view, you would consider that hard bristles would be more beneficial for cleaning your teeth than soft ones, but this is not the matter. Soft-bristle toothbrushes can decrease plaque while retaining and not hurting gum tissues.

Make sure the size you are deciding is not too large or little for your mouth; rather it should be proportional enough to comfortably go all the areas around your teeth. Usually, when a toothbrush is over the measure of your mouth, it becomes tough to brush along the jawline and back of the molars.

Different types of toothbrushes:

  • Manual toothbrush
  • Bristle hardness
  • Head shape toothbrush
  • Handle design
  • Electric toothbrush
  • Rotating toothbrush
  • Sonic toothbrush
  • Sulca toothbrush
  • End-tuft brush
  • Chewable toothbrush
  • Ecological toothbrush

There are three kinds of soft-bristle toothbrushes obtainable in stores:


Soft-bristled toothbrushes are the finest choice for healthy, regular toothbrushing. A soft toothbrush has merely the right quantity of firmness to clear plaque and bacteria but is even mild enough to assist control extreme toothbrush wear or abrasion.

2-Extra soft-bristles:

This is a brush design that is a good option for those who have oral acuities like sensitive teeth, and sensitive gums, where everyday brushing has become more hurting or slightly useful due to sensitivity. Extra soft toothbrushes perform great and are the finest alternative for many people that deal with sensitive teeth or gums.

This type of toothbrush is generally known as a “periodontal toothbrush” or a “sulcus toothbrush.” Those suffering from gingivitis, gum disorder, reduced gums, or periodontitis may see this type of toothbrush as helpful. If you suffer from sensitivity, ask your dentist in Lahore if an extra-soft toothbrush could be healthful.

3-Medium soft-bristles:

Some people feel more relaxed utilizing a medium bristled toothbrush to clean teeth. Medium potency bristles may clean better effectively than milder ones that may drive out or bend. This type of bristle can be severe on gums if stress is too heavily applied when brushing.

Extraordinary benefits of soft-bristled toothbrushes:

When choosing the ideal toothbrush, whether you select an electric or manual, it is adequate to prefer a toothbrush with ultra-soft bristles. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are the securest choice for your teeth. When you utilize hard or even medium-bristled toothbrushes, it is effortless to cause unneeded damage to the tooth enamel, in addition to harming your gums and tooth-root textures.

When to replace the toothbrush?

Whether you’re using a stiff or soft-bristled toothbrush, you should alter your toothbrush once every three months. Bristles will smash down and lose their significance after repeated usage, and the older your toothbrush is, the stiffer it is to clear plaque from your teeth and gums. It is also highly suggested to change out your toothbrush after two months:

Reduce the risk of contamination:

Bristles of a toothbrush can smoothly host different microbes ,aerobic as well as anaerobic. These microorganisms can also cause other ailments. It was confirmed that the structure of the toothbrush is one of the factors which decides the bacterial contamination. The latest research shows that toothbrushes with solid grips and smaller surface areas miscalculate bacterial growth.

Consider other factors while tooth brushing:

Shape – One essential factor while choosing a toothbrush should be the form of a toothbrush. The handle of a toothbrush should be a little rubbery and easy to operate. Comfortable handling of the toothbrush will supply adequate access to all the spots of the oral cavity.

Frequency and intensity – Even though soft and extra soft bristles cause minimal harm to the oral tissues and teeth, it is necessary to mention that a strong and hard brushing, even with a soft brush can have a devastating impact on teeth. Brushing with high power and frequency using any kind of toothbrush can remove the exterior layer of teeth and may predispose teeth to different diseases like caries. In severe conditions, you can contact the best dentist through oladoc.com for better treatment.

Read more:

What the Best Smart Toothbrush for You?

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By 12 Disruptors Admin

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