What is the Best Strategy to Prepare NDA Syllabus in 3 Months?

If you are thinking about what is the best strategy to prepare the NDA syllabus in 3 months then read on to know all the information you need. UPSC conducts the NDA exam twice a year, and it will be tough to crack it. But with persistent hard with and a solid preparation strategy, you can qualify the paper.

After reading this you will be able to come up with an effective strategy to prepare the syllabus for NDA 2022 exam in 3 months. You need to figure out a way that works the best for you. While preparing for such an exam, one needs to have strong willpower and focus before even beginning. Hard work with short breaks will help you to make the plan work. Preparing in 3 months is not an impossible task but it needs utmost dedication.

The best way to crack the NDA written exam is to keep the mind open to reading and listening. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, you can get access to valuable resources anytime you want.

 Strategy to crack NDA written in 3 months

Understand the curriculum

There will be two papers in the NDA exam such as mathematics and General knowledge. Mathematics contains important topics of intermediate level of study maths and General Knowledge includes physics, general science, current affairs, chemistry, Indian history, and geography.

 For mathematics, one has to study from external sources depending upon the weaknesses and strengths and the depth of each topic Making short notes for memorizing formulae would help in the process.

 Most of the areas can be covered through reading magazines, and informative diagrams. However, covering the science areas would be a tricky part. In this case, you can check on the NDA previous year’s question papers and get better clarity.

 Time allocation

If you are looking for a strategy to crack NDA in 3 months then you need to focus on the most crucial part which is time. If you don’t manage time properly then you may fall short of preparing. Effective time management includes planning hour-wise. Have a rough from the beginning so that the NDA syllabus will be covered in a short period and you will have enough time for revision. It will also help you to make the last-minute adjustment just before the final day.

Make a study plan

Give importance to the large portions and difficult parts that need more of your focus and dedication. Be honest with yourself while planning and executing a study plan because you are the best judge of your capability. But don’t get carried away in the process and overtire yourself. Find out your strong and weak areas and make a plan accordingly. Follow the expert guidance at BYJU’s Exam Prep for better results.

Stay healthy 

We often ignore one of the most important things while preparing for an exam, which is our health. You need to consume healthy foods and get adequate sleep hours to keep your body fit. You should prepare with an active mind which means you should take quick breaks between your study time.


While making a strategy to prepare the NDA syllabus in 3 months, you need to consider various factors and maintain a balance with the help of the mental and physical needs of your body. Don’t overstrain your capacity or it can backfire, and harm the procedure. That is why you need to focus on what you can do and can’t do and make your personal way to understand how to prepare for the NDA exam in 3 months. You need to be dedicated, hardworking, and follow the strategy we have mentioned above to secure a good rank in the NDA exam. 

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By 12 Disruptors Admin

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