What Is It With Birthdays And Throwing Axes?

At first look, you could think that you are hallucinating what your eyes are reading when you see the phrase “birthday and axe throwing.” However, celebrating birthdays by throwing axes will be what makes this event unique and crazy at the same time. This is some fun things to do at a birthday party.

Is It Possible To Have A Party For Someone’s Birthday And Throw Axes At The Same Time?

Axe throwing is, of course, much less difficult and risky than it initially sounds like it would be. Our axe throwing birthday party always involve training, and because we are professionals at teaching axe throwing, you will be able to hurl an axe at the target within a few minutes of starting the session. While you are participating in the team games, you will have the opportunity to socialize with the other visitors and, of course, have a good time.

At An Axe-Throwing Establishment, How Do You Celebrate A Customer’s Birthday?

We begin the special birthday axe-throwing sessions with ten minutes of instruction, during which we teach you how to throw axes so that you may become independent as fast as possible and so that your session can go without incident. After that, we will suggest various customized Atlanta activities for groups that are not included in our list of games; the objective is to ensure that everyone participates and that everyone has a wonderful time celebrating your birthday.

Is It Possible For Us To Bring A Birthday Cake?

You are welcome to bring cake and refreshments to the special session of axe throwing, and because the sessions go for two hours, you will have plenty of time to learn how to throw axes, have fun, and celebrate your accomplishments. You may have a look at the menu for the bar at Urban Safari, where you can get alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, cava, soft drinks, and water.

May axes still be thrown now that COVID is involved? Is there a minimum or maximum distance for safety, and how many people can attend at once?

The room in which we throw axes is rather large, which enables us to easily conform to the rules that are now in effect and to maintain sufficient space between different groups. How? Even when you are throwing axes, our targets are always private, and in each of them, up to four people can play at once. In addition, between each set of targets, we always leave a free target in the middle to guarantee the proper distance for safety. As a result, even if you are at separate targets, you will always be near your group since they are next to each other. Our targets are arranged like that of bowling lanes.

Is It Required To Cover One’s Face With A Mask?

The usage of a mask is required at all times, except while one is eating or drinking. In addition, all of our employees always cover their faces with masks. You can go here if you would want further information regarding the precautions that we take concerning COVID.

Could I Make A Particular Request For Your Birthday?

Given that you’ve read all of this, tell us what you require, and we’ll do all in our power to make it happen.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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