Web Design – Dos and Don’ts

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If you’re a web designer, you’re well aware of the need to ensure that your work is both functional and visually appealing. If you’re new to website design India, even with the best tools at your disposal, it can be challenging to know where to begin, so here below put together a quick checklist of things to keep in mind while planning your next project.


1. First, make sure your UI is consistent.

Good UX is all about making the interface consistent across the entire product. Your website should have a similar look and feel across all its pages. Consistent navigation, color scheme, typeface, and writing style can positively impact usability and user experience (UX).

2. Create a user-friendly navigation system.

Usability begins and ends with a user’s ability to navigate. It’s the most common way people communicate with one another on the Internet. It’s critical to have a user-friendly website that makes it easy for people to find what they’re looking for.

3. Change the color of visited links

The use of links is essential when finding your way through a website. Users may mistakenly return to the same pages repeatedly if visited links don’t change color. They know where you’ve been in the past and where you now help you select where you should go next.

4. Your pages should be able to be scanned easily.

Visitors to your site are more likely than not to read every word on a page. For example, users will scan the pages of an entire website until they find the information, they need to complete a particular activity. It’s your job as a designer to aid them with this by creating a clear visual hierarchy. The arrangement or display of items in a way that implies importance is known as “visual hierarchy,” for example, where the eyes should be directed first, second, and so on.

Don’ts are next:

1. Don’t make users wait for content to load

User experience is significantly impacted by the speed at which a page load. More and more people expect a website to load in two seconds or less as technology develops. Visitors may quit a website if the page takes too long to load. Because of this, web applications should be built with speed in mind.

2. Don’t go for internal links in any new tabs

Internal and external links are expected to behave differently. If you want your users to be able to use the “back” button, all internal links should open in the same tab. Advanced notice should be given before automatically opening a new window or checking if you want to open external links in a new window or tab. The text “opens in a new window” could be added to the link text.

3. Don’t use too many fonts.

At first glance, it’s tempting to use five or six different fonts or even upload your own while you’re developing a website. However, if you can, avoid giving in to that urge. Font variety can be distracting, perplexing, and almost irritating when used excessively. It’s usual to practice limiting the number of typefaces and font sizes used to three. Play with the weight of your typography instead of changing fonts while developing a website.

4. Don’t overdo it with color on your website.

Using too many colors in a design is like using too many typefaces. The more colors you employ in a plan, the more difficult it is to generate a sense of balance. It’s like attempting to transmit a million feelings and messages all at once when you utilize too many colors in your design. Unless you want to use color to emphasize a particular portion of your site, it’s best to stick to a few colors and keep them constant throughout your site.


People expect a great user experience when they connect with websites. If you don’t meet their expectations, they’ll go elsewhere, even if it’s just a click away. To ensure that your visitors have a positive experience, you should always consider their needs before making any website design India decisions.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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