Tips to stay motivated for regular exercise

Exercise itself might not be tough but convincing yourself to exercise might be the harder thing to do. However, being physically active is important at all stages in life. Whether it be children or adults, everyone needs exercise for to stay healthy.

But the motivation to do so is harder to find than you would imagine. Therefore, we have rounded some tips to help you be physically active.

Tips to stay motivated for regular exercise

Know the benefits of exercise

To have healthy heart, you need to exercise. Similarly, exercise helps with healthy bones. It improves circulation, symptoms of high blood pressure and prevents obesity.

Moreover, regular exercise is also good for improved mood and mental health. However, some people might have health conditions that require them to first consult the Best Orthopedic doctor in Karachi, before taking up exercise, lest they hurt their bones and muscles.

Slow and steady

You do not have to run 5 miles the very first day you start exercising; that is too much for your muscles and can also deter you from exercising again as well.

On the contrary, slowly building exercise routine is much better. Setting small targets that then improve in time and quality are better for your morale. Also, ‘accumulating activity’ by slowly increasing your exercise routine and endurance also has better health benefits as well.

Therefore, rather than making lofty goals that intimidate you, start off slow. Even as little as five minutes of exercise can be of help. Once you are regular and comfortable, you can add more.

Do not put yourself down

If you look at all the trainers and think of yourself as a failure, it will not convince you to continue exercising, but it will cause you to quit sooner rather than later.

So, do not beat yourself up if you are not able to finish an exercise routine; make it a challenge that you have to beat. Similarly, do not belittle the few minutes of exercise that you do.

Be physically active otherwise

It can be harder to exercise if you continue getting cramps, as you continue falling off the wagon. However, if you are physically active always, you can get back to exercising more easily.

Moreover, being physically active also contributes towards your health. So, even if you do not have time to do a fixed exercise routine, if you are doing all your house chores, are walking a lot for commute, playing around with your kids, are dancing for fun, etc., then you are also doing some forms of exercises, and are on the right track.

Put it on your calendar

It might be harder for you to exercise if you cannot find time for it. So, make time. Schedule your exercise sessions when convenient for you, but not too close to your bedtime, as that can affect your sleep. Put on notifications so you are not tempted to ignore your commitment to exercise.

Try to make it a group activity

Misery loves company, and sometimes, a good thing like exercise can also feel like a misery that needs companionship. Therefore, if feasible, try to work out with a friend. You can join gym together, or go to the park, or even Zoom each other if you are exercising from home.

Alongside providing good company, you and your friend can help each other keep on track. It can be easier for you to become regular then.

Get your mental health checked

Sometimes, the lack of motivation to exercise, and the inability to move can also be attributed to poor mental health. It is very common in people who have depression; every day is a struggle to stay alive and finding incentive to exercise is harder then.

So, if you know you have mental health problems but are not getting treatment, or are facing mental health issues, you should seek help from a mental health expert via

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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