Transhuman Physiology

What Is Transhuman Physiology, And Could This Technology Enhance Our Lives?

What Is Transhuman Physiology, And Could This Technology Enhance Our Lives?

In Transhuman Physiology, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 failed. This ability also fails unmodified wound rolls made against a targeted unit. Against those rolls, a -1 is inflicted. In addition, Armored Resilience is a negative wound roll. Armored Resilience The transhuman physiology and armored resilience powers can reduce the damage a unit takes from enemy attacks. Transhuman physiology increases the number of hits a unit can make with its standard attacks, while armored resilience reduces its damage by 1 to 4. Using Transhuman physiology, a unit can survive a squad of Wave Serpents or a squad of Dark Reapers.…
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