Live Streaming

How to get ready for a live streaming services

How to get ready for a live streaming services

Live streaming services are one of the most popular types of online content today, and it has rapidly been increasing in popularity in recent years. It's come a long way since its inception in the 1990s, growing from a few niche webcasts services to a multibillion-dollar industry. Even if one has a few favourite streamers to watch, the prospect of launching their own live broadcast can be intimidating. That's why this comprehensive introduction to live streaming services by webcast services providers for complete beginners has been put together. If one has no prior expertise or experience but still wants to…
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How to improve Live Streaming Quality

How to improve Live Streaming Quality

Are you a broadcaster, a startup, or a corporate company doing streaming business? What is your identity? It takes a lot of effort to attract viewers; some even buy Twitch viewers. Do you want to ruin this with poor-quality content? Do you pride yourself on providing excellent products and services to customers?  While live-streaming, of prime importance, is prioritizing your customer's viewing experience. If you were one of the viewers, would you put up with a low-quality video? How about videos that buffer on the player's side? Definitely, you will shy away. Don't presumably think that the viewers are in…
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