A dog bite can cause severe pain and distress. Numerous animal attacks can result in serious injuries like permanent impairments, scarring, disfigurement, psychological damage, and long-term or persistent psychological damage. The risk of death and injuries are even more severe when the victim is a youngster. However, unlike slip-and-falls, auto accidents, and injuries due to defective products, the law governing dog bites can be complex and confusing, making it difficult for people not trained in the law to obtain compensation for injuries. Denver dog bite attorney can help you locate a lawyer who understands the law and can prepare and present a compelling case to receive the compensation you are entitled to.
State-By-State Regulations On Dog Bites Vary
Some states apply a standard of fundamental neglect, which holds dog owners responsible when their dog bites another person. Some states also have a strict liability standard that holds pet owners responsible for any attack by their pets. This applies regardless of whether or not the owner was negligent in maintaining or handling the animal. A common approach is to hold owners responsible only if they knew of the animal’s nasty or dangerous propensity for biting or attacking. This concept is also known as the “one-bite rule”. Owners are not responsible for an animal attacking a person for the first time, but they are held accountable for any subsequent attacks.
The Right Lawyer For Animal Attacks Can Help
Dog bites can lead to severe injuries like puncture wounds and face lacerations, compound fractures and face injuries, nerve damage, scarring, ugliness, psychological trauma, rabies, and other forms of injury. A brutal attack on an animal can leave victims with permanent disabilities, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Even though the victim is young, animal attacks can pose a real danger of death.
An injured victim must also be able to prove that damage was done. Pet owners can claim that the victim provoked their dog, took the risk of getting bit, instigated, or contributed to the accident, among other possible defenses. Dog bite victims may hesitate to file a lawsuit against their owners if they do have a legal problem or if they are friends, neighbors, or family members of the owner and don’t want them to get into trouble. Insurance can often cover the cost of medical treatment or other financial damages that result from the attack. Insurance is designed to accomplish this exact purpose.
Dog bites and other animal attacks are responsible for more than 1000 emergency room visits per hour, and dog bites result in the deaths of many people each year. Legal action against the owner or keeper of a dangerous animal can not only provide much-needed compensation for you and your family but also makes the community safer and prevents other attacks.
If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog bite or other animal assault, call us to be matched with a skilled, experienced personal injury attorney who can offer compassionate and effective counsel and representation.