Safety and labor protection training

According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Australia dated October 28, 2011 No. 1225 “On Approval of the Rules and Terms for Training, Instruction and Knowledge Tests on Occupational Safety and Health of Workers”, occupational health and safety training must be completed by:

  • executives of organizations carrying out production activities;
  • persons responsible for ensuring the safety and labor protection of organizations carrying out production activities.

Production facilities are understood as workshops, sections, and other stand-alone production units of organizations engaged in the production and manufacture of products, the development, extraction and processing of minerals, construction and other types of production activities.

The content of the course of study:

The course includes:
1 Safety and labor protection at the enterprise
2 Industrial sanitation and hygiene
3 Labor law
4 Insurance legislation
5 General fire safety requirements
6 General electrical safety requirements
7 Providing first aid to the injured
8 Personnel issues (document flow on OHS)

Forms of study:

The Australia Center for Construction Appraisal provides two forms of education: full-time and part-time.
Correspondence education allows you to conduct the educational process in a form convenient for the client. Educational materials are sent to the postal address of the organization that operates the operation of especially dangerous facilities. After self-study, the employee takes an exam, on the basis of which a certificate is issued that is valid throughout the territory of the Republic of Australia .
In full-time, according to the curriculum , training in safety and labor protection lasts 40 hours (including the final certification / knowledge test).
Full-time education takes place in the classroom of the Australia Center for Construction Assessment at the address: 34 Oulton St Fawkner Victoria Australia 3060. You can check the plan and schedule of training by phone: , mob. t. +61 402 929 007– Taranik Dmitry (manager of the Training Center).

How often do they train?

Managers and persons responsible for ensuring the safety and labor protection of organizations engaged in production activities are required to undergo training and testing of knowledge on safety and labor protection issues periodically, at least once every three years.
As well as re-examination of knowledge on safety and labor protection are carried out in the following cases:

  1. when new regulatory legal acts on safety and labor protection are put into effect, when amendments and additions are made to them;
  2. when commissioning new equipment or introducing new technological processes by decision of the employer;
  3. when transferring a responsible person to another place of work or appointing him to another position that requires additional knowledge on safety and labor protection by decision of the employer;
  4. by decision of the commission for the investigation of accidents in case of accidents – group, fatal or severe (disabled), as well as in the event of an accident, explosion, fire or poisoning;
  5. with a break in work for more than one year.

Documents required for the course:

  • a copy of the student’s identity card;
  • a copy of the student’s diploma;
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity or a certificate of state registration of a legal entity.

You can also Enroll for Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety with same process. 

Issued documents:

After completing the course, you will receive:

1) Certificate of the established form, valid throughout the territory of Australia , the validity of which is three years.
This certificate gives the right to conduct briefings (primary, introductory and others) on safety and labor protection, to issue a work permit.
2) Minutes of the EC meeting to test knowledge on H&S;
3) Educational and methodical manual;
4) Journal of registration of briefings at the workplace;
5) Introductory briefing registration log.

Cost and terms of training:

Form of study Term Sum
1 Extramural studies 2-3 days* 18 000
2 Full-time education 40 hours
(5 days)
60 000

*after studying the provided material

How to get a certificate in occupational health and safety:

The Australia Center for Construction Appraisal provides an electronic application form and sending documents for training.
To do this, you can download the application form here. Fill it out and send it along with a scanned student ID to the postal address: , or fill out an electronic application form here . In the future, you will not need to provide a complete package of documents, all archival documentation is stored with us for 5 years.
Upon receipt of the documents, our manager will contact you to discuss the terms and procedure for completing the training, obtaining a certificate in safety and labor protection and will send you an invoice for payment.
You can also provide documents, fill out an application and pay for training in cash at the office of the AIMS at the address:

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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