Overview of Presumptive Conditions for Active and Former Military Members

Being a member of the military will always come with risks and safety hazards. One risk and hazard that most people do not think about is how the environment they are in could impact their health in the future. For military members, there have been several examples of many past and current members falling seriously ill or disabled long after they have left the armed forces. In these situations, the VA should provide medical support and care. In a lot of these conditions, it could be considered presumptive conditions by the VA.

What is a Presumptive Condition?

Unfortunately, there are various situations in the recent past that have resulted in many members of the military becoming sick or disabled due to the environment they were stationed in. If you were located in one of these places and displayed common symptoms, the VA will presume that your illness was due to the environment. In these cases, they will provide you with disability support services. 

Benefits Available

There are various benefits available to those that have become disabled as a direct result of their service in the military. For presumptive conditions, this benefit can even extend to families of military members if they were living on a base that was exposed to harmful agents. Generally, you will need to show that the disability is at least 10% disabling and that you were exposed during one of these situations.   

Who Will Qualify for Benefits Under Presumptive Conditions

There are various situations when someone will qualify for disability benefits under a presumptive condition. To qualify, you must evidence a disability that impairs various aspects of your life. Some common situations that would result in someone qualifying for support under this program will include if they were Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange, if they were veterans exposed to atomic radiation, or if they served in the Gulf War and incurred various health hazards. The qualifications for this program are not limited to these situations and it is important to speak with someone that you can trust. 

Due to the unstable environments that active military members are asked to enter, there is always a chance that someone could become ill or suffer a long-lasting health condition or disability because of this. An example of this is the water contamination issue that took place at Camp Lejeune. There is additional info that you can read about this situation and whether your disability or illness would qualify as a presumptive condition by the VA if you were exposed to this area. 

If you have become ill or disabled as a result of military service, you should qualify for support by the VA to cover your medical expenses and other costs incurred. While many of these situations are covered by the VA as a presumptive condition, having it approved is not always a sure thing. Due to this, hiring an attorney to help with your situation is always a good idea. An attorney can provide support throughout the entire process. This will include providing an analysis and consultation on your case, filing any necessary paperwork to the VA, handling deliberations and answering questions, and any other service that will ensure you receive proper representation. 

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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