For your business to be truly profitable, you need to ensure you have the most efficient and effective energy systems operating within your organizations. It’s imperative they are designed specifically for your business needs so you can slash your energy bills as well as reduce carbon footprint for a healthier and more sustainable environment. Solar LED lighting solutions can positively impact a business for different reasons by incorporating various systems around a facility. It’s time to understand the process of making a huge impact with solar lights online & what goes into making sure everything is designed to perfection.

Solar LED lighting solutions impact businesses by affecting their bottom line, their overall green initiative and their image in-front of the consumers. Doing this in real life can have positive impact on a company’s image.


Solar lighting solutions impacts the bottom line specially in the long run. Installing solar in the initial build phase of a business will do the maximum impact regarding the bottom line since ROI will be much higher than if installed later. Solar lights reduce the cost of wiring parking lots and entrance roadways with standard electricity. Solar can be a great solution for remote locations where traditional power may not have access. The long-term ROI is definitely impacted positively by these solar solutions.


Businesses are looking for the options that are greener and more environment friendly. Solar LED lighting solutions provide just that. Since the systems are off the grid, they use no power to operate the fixtures and have zero-carbon impact. These systems charge during the day & operate from the solar-charged batteries at night, which infers they’re completely self-contained & practically maintenance-free. The LEDs have a lifespan of 20+ years in most cases & solar panels a life of 30+ years & needs a timely change of batteries to perform to perfection.


With climate emergency in place, people prefer to use companies which are reducing their environmental impact. People prefer eco-friendly business practices being applied by the businesses that have chosen to implement green initiatives like solar power. These steps completely show how businesses are looking out for our future and doing their bit to lessen the negative impact on earth.

Not only the customers, professionals also prefer working with an organization which care about the ethical business practices along with deploying eco-friendly business practices. All of this leads to a better top and bottom line for any organization. Leading solar EPC company in Delhi, Synergy Wave System leaves no stone unturned for resourceful completion of solar projects and bringing in a viable environmental solution, hence earning a credible brand image in the market.

Moving ahead with our discussion, for our solar lighting specialists to provide a solar lighting system design and quote that meets the needs in best possible manner, one must gather additional information by addressing to a series of project-related questions such as:

  • What is the location of the project to determine sun hours?
  • What type/ style of fixture do you want (cobra-head/ shoebox/ contemporary/ decorative)?
  • What are the illumination level requirements?
  • Do you have the dimensions of the area that you plan to light (AutoCAD file)?
  • Does the lighting fixture need to be operated at full intensity from dusk to dawn?
  • What style of light poles need to be included in the quote (direct burial/ anchor base/ none)?

The moment you as the project lead or the business head have addressed these questions, our solar lighting specialist will have all the critical information needed to provide a comprehensive solar lighting system design and quote that’ll undoubtedly meet customers’ lighting needs.

Not just the above questions, there can be many other reservations regarding the solar installation depending on the following variations:

  • Signboards & billboards– What size is the sign and is it single or double-sized? Is it flood/ internally illuminated?
  • Flags– How tall is the flagpole? What is the size of the flag?
  • Bus stops & shelters– Is the system pole or roof mounted? Share information regarding shelter construction, if any.
  • Off-grid power– What is the power requirement of the system? Share information regarding part numbers/ model numbers of the equipment
  • Added details could be provided that helps the engineers and solar specialists ensuring the size of the project, so that it meets the project needs.

Having talked about the prerequisites, businesses must be aware of the variety of Solar LED lighting solutions available to them on a single site. They include:

  • Solar parking lot lighting solutions
  • Outdoor solar lights
  • Solar sign lighting solutions
  • Solar entrance roadway lighting solutions
  • Solar LED street lights
  • Solar pathway lighting solutions

Final word

No doubt, adopting solar LED lighting solutions would have a massive positive impact on business’s finances & public image. These are the best options when provided at the beginning of a project & for a subsequent upgrade. Build on the areas where you can make the biggest impact & see the world changing for good.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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