How to get ready for a live streaming services

live streaming

Live streaming services are one of the most popular types of online content today, and it has rapidly been increasing in popularity in recent years. It’s come a long way since its inception in the 1990s, growing from a few niche webcasts services to a multibillion-dollar industry.

Even if one has a few favourite streamers to watch, the prospect of launching their own live broadcast can be intimidating. That’s why this comprehensive introduction to live streaming services by webcast services providers for complete beginners has been put together. If one has no prior expertise or experience but still wants to try some live streaming services in India, this tutorial will teach them how to do so.


If the rise of live streaming isn’t enough to persuade someone, consider the following:

  • People no longer consider television to be very important. The amount of time adults 18 and older spend watching television has reduced by 13%.
  • While TV viewing is down, live broadcast viewing is increasing. In 2021, 27% of all TV viewers are expected to quit their subscriptions, up from 15% in 2020.
  • The average person watches 18 hours of online content per week.
  • People are increasingly turning toward live broadcasts for entertainment. However, live streaming isn’t simply for pleasure; it may also help a company’s content marketing strategy.
  • Video is considered a significant aspect of 92 percent of marketers’ plans.
  • Consumers would rather watch a live stream than read a blog article from their favourite businesses, according to 80 percent of respondents.
  • There are numerous reasons to begin live streaming, whether one wants to make it a new hobby, a source of revenue, or a marketing strategy for the company.


Because it is “live” streaming, one might think it’s completely spontaneous and that they can just press the “go live” button without thinking. However, none of the prominent streams that are watched, including gamers, improvise. If the streamer wants live streaming to become a regular pleasure or a source of income, they must plan ahead.

· Plan

The streamer must go live at the appropriate time if they want people to view the stream.

· Choose a niche

What will the topic of the live broadcast be? There are many popular categories for live streaming, and the streamer may simply fit their material into one of them. Gaming, music, sports, in-person interactions, and e-commerce are just a few examples of broad topics. Users can choose a subtopic to further filter the material.

· Define the target market

If the participant doesn’t know who their audience is, it can be tough to know what to stream about. Perhaps like deciding to live stream oneself while they watch paint dry. Although that is a niche issue, who would watch it? One can’t develop good content unless they know who their audience is.

· Set goals

Without them, it’s difficult to assess overall progress. Setting goals isn’t always easy, especially for someone new to the area. One wonderful example for novice streamers is to broadcast at the same time every week, gradually increasing the frequency of the broadcasts.

· Promote

Renowned live streaming services providers mention that If the streamer doesn’t notify people about their live stream, they won’t watch it!


For beginners, setting up a broadcasting setup is rather simple. A lens, microphone, lights, and a stable internet connection are all required.

The streamer will also need to get their fingers on some webcasting software (on the digital side). Listed below are all the types of equipment required to begin one’s streaming journey.

  • Camera or a Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Streaming software
  • Good internet connectivity
  • Accessories like green screens and ring lights


The stream has been planned and the equipment has been organized, Can the ‘Go Live’ finally be used? Sure! All that has to be done now is picking a platform, like Dreamcast, or two, or three, or as many as one would desire with the help of multi-streaming.

· General

Choose a general platform like YouTube Live, Facebook Live, or Twitter Live if it isn’t a specific niche and want a platform with a low learning curve.

YouTube Live: there is a wide variety of streaming opportunities on this platform and it has a lot of room for discovery and exploration.

Facebook live: Streaming on one of the several live streaming services in India is ideal if one already has a sizable following on the platform.

Twitter Live: If the streamers’ live feeds are about breaking news and updates, Twitter Live could be a good fit.

· Gaming

Gaming and e-sports are the most popular streaming service provider genres nowadays, hence there are various gaming-specific sites.

Twitch: is the most popular gaming platform by far. As a newcomer, its size can be frightening at first, but one eventually gets used to it due to its easy-to-use tools and big exposure. Twitch is also a viable option for conversation presentations such as it’s ‘just chatting’ category.

· Business

In recent years, business professional live streaming has exploded. Many businesses and individuals are using streaming services providers companies to promote their brands and expand their networks.

LinkedIn Live: A professional networking site is a perfect place to make professional live streams. LinkedIn Live is only a few years old, yet live videos have already surpassed non-live videos in terms of views and engagement.

· E-commerce

What better method to market an e-commerce business than with live demos, contests, and giveaways if the company offers things online?

Amazon Live is a live streaming service offered by Amazon. One can broadcast live promotional content to assist raise their sales if they’re an Amazon Seller.


As one can see, there are several things to think about, plan for, and test before beginning the live streaming journey. However, learning how to stream isn’t difficult, anyone can be a pro streamer in no time, just follow this comprehensive tutorial and have a can-do attitude.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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