Learn About VMware NSX to Help Transform Your Network Operations


More and more businesses have adopted server virtualization in the last ten years. As a result, a whole new model of operations has emerged to manage and provision app workloads in data centers.  A server’s dynamic functionality has transformed the market landscape and helped businesses save billions. Here, being dynamic means that the server treats physical hosts as a combination of memory, storage capacity, and CPU, which can then be repurposed and consumed as needed. However, the network operating models to which such workloads are connected have failed to keep up VMware. Networks have now become barriers on the road to achieving the maximum benefits of virtualisation. 

How are Networks Obstructing Virtualisation?

  • Network provisioning as a task is manually intensive and CLI-based. It takes weeks or days for the provisioning of the simplest network topologies. 
  • Workload mobility and placement are limited by the topology and physical constraints of the network.
  • A network requires operational intensity. It needs significant hardware maintenance and configuration to be done manually, as well as vendor-specific expertise.

Here’s Why You Need VMware NSX Training:

NSX is a software solution that virtualizes networks and delivers the complete security and networking model from L2-L7 in the software. VMware NSX separates the network from its hardware but leverages the present network infrastructure without any change to allow improvements in agility, cost efficiency, and service delivery speed. This platform delivers a new, fully operational networking model that surpasses today’s network barriers and enables data center operators to see improved economics and higher agility. 

Cost Benefits of VMware NSX:

When you choose VMware NSX Training for your network virtualization needs, the business will see several tangible monetary benefits. NSX is designed to deliver significantly higher returns on investment. One study by Total Economic Impact has shown that NSX has helped enterprises save the following amounts in just three years of usage. 

  • $1,000,000 saved in operating and hardware expenditure
  • $1,200,000 saved through reduced administration time and automation
  • $7,400,000 saved in reduced hardware requirements
  • $1,600,000 saved through higher user efficiency
  • There is also an indeterminable amount of expenditure saved through protocols for breach prevention, security, and threat containment

VMware NSX gives your network all the benefits of virtualization, which means you get a true SDDC. All security and networking services can be managed easily on NSX using a singular comprehensive, integrated platform. It is easier to manage and deploy app environments, making it easier to optimize workloads. 

The micro-segmentation approach that NSX uses provides consistent and constant security that you can customize to meet the individual needs of every workload. VMware NSX has also been designed to ensure higher ROI. With its higher speed, agility, and security, business expenses reduce significantly and help optimize data centers. 

In a bid to increase efficiency and function more effectively today, more businesses are moving to cloud platforms. In such a situation, networks shouldn’t obstruct business innovation or velocity. Network operations must evolve to become more agile, programmatic, and automated. VMware NSX makes for intelligent software that can leverage existing infrastructures and the broad community of partner services. Become a valuable enterprise asset and enroll in a VMware NSX training course.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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