A handy Guide by Nature Advocate Kushal Dev Rathi

Kushal Dev Rathi

A home vegetable garden can be a great way to save money while experiencing nature up close and personal. Moreover, you’ll find that the flavor and texture of garden-grown produce are superior to that of conventionally grown produce. In addition, gardening is an excellent form of exercise! Find out how you can kick-start your vegetable garden with these tips.

Choose Your Varieties Wisely

Ensure you pay attention to the description on the seed packet, label, or tag. Each variety of vegetables has its own specific qualities. Smaller plants make good options for smaller gardens or containers. Some varieties are more disease resistant, have greater yields, or are more heat- or cold-tolerant than others. Consider what vegetables you enjoy eating, then how to care for them.

Producing Successful Crops

A mix of cool- and warm-weather vegetable varieties will give you a harvest of fresh vegetables and herbs every spring, summer, and fall. The early spring is a good time to grow lettuce, greens (like arugula), peas, radishes, carrots, and broccoli. Then plant plants that will thrive in hot weather, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and herbs. After harvesting the potatoes, cabbage, and kale, you can store them for winter.

Select a Garden Spot

Whatever you plant in your garden or wherever you put it, it needs to meet two basic requirements: light and water.

Sunlight is a necessity

Vegetables, like all plants, require sunlight to begin photosynthesis. The crops that grow the fastest require direct sunlight. The quickest-growing veggies require full sun—at least 6 to 8 hours of bright sunlight every day—unobstructed by trees, bushes, or fences. That’s why planting sun-loving veggies in dark areas won’t yield many results. Plant vegetables and herbs that endure partial shade, such as lettuce, kale, chard, spinach, chives, cilantro, parsley, and thyme, in your area. Root vegetables such as carrots, radishes, and beets may also be suitable if your site receives at least 4 hours of direct sunshine every day. Alternatively, if you have a sunlit balcony, try container gardening. In this manner, you may grow sun-loving veggies and plants like tomatoes and cucumbers.

Consider Convenient Water Access

The closer your property is to a water supply, the preferable. To help these needy plants build good roots and shoots, you’ll need to be able to water them often during the first few weeks after seeds hatch or seedlings are transplanted. Install soaker homes or drip irrigation on a timer to assist reduce water wastage and the amount of time you need to devote to irrigating.

Stop Weed Growth

Weeds battle for sunshine, water, and nourishment with your veggies, so limit them to a bare. To dissuade any weed seedlings that do appear, use a hoe.

Combat Fungal Diseases

Reduce the incidence of fungal illnesses by wetting the soil rather than the plant’s leaves. If you use a sprayer, apply it early in the day so the leaves have time to dry before dark. If a plant becomes infected, take it immediately and discard it; do not add diseased plants to your compost pile.

Follow these tips and enjoy your Greens.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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