How to Protect Your Home from Water Leakage


If you are a homeowner, then you should be aware of the importance of protecting your home from water leakage. No one likes to see the flowing water through the ceiling and the floor of a home. You may be surprised to know that water leakage in your home is not due to natural weather disturbances. It’s actually due to an improper plumbing system. Slow leaks, corroded pipes, and damaged valves can disturb your home’s structure. Here are some maintenance measures that you can take to avoid water leaks.

Locate and Operate Your Main Shut-off Water Valve

Everyone at home should know how to shut off the water valve in an emergency of a burst pipe. In case of a water leak, you can easily turn off the relevant valves before contacting the plumber. You should locate the main valve along the outer wall of your home. You can also use special valves for some home appliances, like washers, so you can easily turn them off.

Maintain Your Plumbing in Good Shape

The most common reason for water leakage is cracked pipes. Water pipes crack due to clogging, corrosion, high pressure of water, and temperature changes. You can detect cracked pipes by discoloration of metal pipes and crimping polymeric pipes. If you find any crack in the lines, you can get crack repair service from a commercial waterproofing specialist. If pipes are frozen, insulate them to prevent water damage. Consider tagging your water valve with a red flag so that you can locate it easily in any emergency.

Implement a Water Leak Detection System

Another effective measure is to install a water leak detection system. It’s a flow-based detection device that automatically shuts off the water flow during a leakage. It’s the best option for all homes to prevent water damage. Some modern detection systems warn you over the phone, and you can close the water flow.

Check the Ceiling for Any Damage

Rain is not the main reason for water leakage, but it can still change the structure of your home. If you have an improper ceiling, then it can damage your plumbing network. Roof leaks can occur due to the broken lining of waterproofing materials. You should do your ceiling inspection properly once a year to protect your home from roof leaks.

Regular Maintenance of Home Appliances

Several home appliances use water flow, so there is always a risk of water leakage. You should regularly check if your washers, dishwashers, and ice makers are properly working. If there is any leakage, then replace the inlet pipes of these appliances.

Security of Storm Windows

If there are storm windows in your home, then make sure they are all properly closed. If your window is not properly closed, then moisture does not drain out of your home. Even a small crack in a window can cause a lot of water leakage. 

Water damage can be destructive, but with preventive steps and quick actions, you can minimize losses. By taking safety measures, you can handle water damage and keep your home safe.

By ravi

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