Google’s Page Experience Update And Need of VPS Indonesia After That Update          

If your website is not able to draw a good amount of traffic, all your content and efforts go in vain. In order to attract potential users to your website, it is crucial that it attains the highest possible SEO ranking on Google. Google tends to rank the websites based on more than two hundred factors, some of which only can be known.

A few of these factors are the website’s speed, uptime, performance, web page loading time, security, etc. Recently, there has yet a Google page experience update that you must understand in order to let your website stand a chance for attaining or maintaining a good SEO ranking. 

Now, if you have been in the web industry, you must have known all these mentioned factors highly depend on the web hosting server on which you host your website. In this article, we will provide you with insights into the most popular web hosting choice of the various web businesses these days –  VPS Indonesia. 

You will get the knowledge of how Best VPS Hosting Indonesia can be the perfect option to host your website and for the new Google page experience update. However, before anything else, let us discuss what actually is Google’s page experience update. 

About Google’s New Page Experience Update

Google has proclaimed that the page experience update for desktop is now done rolling out. This update by Google actually began to roll out on February 22nd, and, presently, it has completely rolled out. Basically, it will incorporate every current signal of the mobile version of the page experience update, outside of the page needing to be mobile-friendly.

Google has further stated that all the factors of the said page experience factors will be contained except the mobile-friendliness requirement, which should not be a surprise to anyone. The rest other included factors are the Largest Contentful page (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), First Input Delay (FID), HTTPS Security, Absence of intrusive interstitials, and Mobile Friendliness. 

Let us give you an overview of the page experience. Google has designed an insightful developer document on ‘page experience criteria’. However, in short, you can comprehend that these metrics strive to apprehend how a user would perceive a particular web page’s experience. For instance, the user will sense if the web page loading time is less, it is mobile-friendly, the presence of intrusive ads, it operates on HTTPS, and if content bounces around as the web page loads.

Google interprets page experience based on the various existing search ranking factors. Some of these factors are the intrusive interstitials penalty, mobile-friendly update, safe browsing penalty, Page Speed Update, the HTTPS ranking boost, and other refining metrics consider speed and usability.

These refinements come under ‘Core Web Vitals’ of Google. Here you must note that Google had dropped the safe browsing factor from the page experience update last year. Also, when it comes to search console tools, you can check out the updated page experience reports for desktop that Google released a few months ago.

Furthermore, Google has clarified that this rollout and its new update will not bring in drastic modifications. It actually stated “While this update is designed to highlight pages that offer great user experiences, page experience remains one of many factors our systems take into account… Given this, sites generally should not expect drastic changes.” Also, the majority of users have believed that the same is true for the desktop rollout as well.

One can believe that the page experience update is not a significant update as we can not encounter the drastic change in the ranking of the tons of websites.’ The operations towards enhancing the page experiences have been predominantly focused on the mobile pages. But, this one is concentrated on desktop and, we somewhere did expect this shift.

How does VPS Indonesia Meet The New Guidelines of Google?

VPS Indonesia is a virtual private server providing an independent, secure, and isolated environment to host your website. It forms a part of the physical server and runs autonomously. It renders most privileges and benefits that one can obtain from the dedicated server hosting.

However, since several VPS Indo are formed on the same physical server and share server resources as well as space, the VPS hosting Indonesia is much cheaper than the dedicated server hosting. Here are some of the advantages of the Cheap VPS Indonesia that lets your website get the possibility to acquire a better SEO ranking –

  • VPS Server Indonesia comes with dedicated resources.
  • VPS Indo offers high hosting flexibility and scalability.
  • It provides robust security in an isolated environment.
  • VPS jakarta renders a dedicated IP address. 
  • You can customize and configure your VPS Indonesia as per your necessities by acquiring its root access.

Features That Serverwala Gives You With VPS Indonesia

As discussed in this article, VPS Indonesia is the perfect web hosting solution for many businesses. However, you must seek the right web hosting company that renders the best VPS hosting Indonesia in order to enjoy all the privileges and benefits of the VPS.

To make your task easier, let us mention here the top-notch and industry-leading web hosting company – Serverwala. 

Serverwala web hosting company is well recognized for rendering world-class as well as the cheapest hosting services and facilities for VPS Indonesia. 

The company offers numerous features, some of which are –

  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Robust and consistent network with the enterprise-grade hardware support
  • Full root access
  • Free SSL certificate
  • SSD (Solid-State Drives) data storage
  • Self Service Portal
  • High-level data security measures
  • 99.90% uptime with redundant power 

Grab further insightful details about Serverwala and its high-grade VPS hosting Indonesia on its official website or get in touch with the company’s experts available via different communication channels. 


When it comes to website’s marketing strategy, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays a critical role. SEO can serve as The powerful and most effective tool if employed precisely. Every enterprise or business, from small to large-scale, strives to use and maintain suitable SEO content for their websites. If you already have or planning to construct a website, it is significant to invest your time and money in SEO efforts. 

Further, you are required to bring in relevant content, robust data security, maximum uptime, and high speed for enabling SEO work. All this will be worth it as Search Engine Optimization generates organic growth that even ads can not bring. So, the first step towards putting SEO efforts is picking the right web hosting plan.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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