Floor heating in South Korea

floor heating in South Korea

What are the must-haves for Korean winter? One of these is underfloor heating on concrete floor called floor heating. Today, Ziptoss listed down several common functions for different types of floor heating in South Korea.

Here are 5 common types of floor heating that you can find in South Korea for 1st floor home design


  1. 1. Heating switch (난방)
  2. Increase heating temperature (난방온도올림)
  3. Decrease heating temperature (난방온도내림)
  4. Temperature adjustment (온수온도조절): High, Medium, and Low.
  5. Heating schedule selection (예약운전)
  6. Sleep mode (취침모드/외출모드)
  7. Heating (current/setting) temperature display/reservation time setting display (난방(현재/설정) 온도표시/ 예약설정시간표시)

Type Two


  1. Temperature and/or Power display (온도/전원 디스플레이)
  2. Power switch (전원)
  3. Scheduled heating(예약)
  4. Room temperature heating (실온)/ Floor heating (온돌)
  5. Sleep mode (취침모드/외출모드)
  6. Heating off (꺼짐)
  7. Heating temperature wheel(난방) for adjustment.
  8. Hot water power (온수전원): Hot water switch (Temperature adjustment): High, Medium, Low.

Type three


1 . Display: displays current function, target temperature (희망 온도), schedule start/ stop time (예약), the heating operation (운전) and seasons (계절).

  1. Set up indoor (실내), schedule (예약), and out-of-home functions (외출).
  • To operate floor heating, please enter the state in 실내 (room temperature) mode.
  1. Bath(목욕): Select this option to provide a lot of hot water for bathtubs and showers.
  2. Power supply(전원): power switch
  3. Season selection (계절선택): set the heating temperature for spring 봄 (season), 여름 (summer), autumn (summer:), 초겨울 (early winter), 겨울 (winter).
  4. 예약설정 (scheduled setting): arrange the time to start and stop the boiler.
  5. Heating temperature: up/down
  6. LED power indicator: lights up when the heater is running.

Type Four


  1. Temperature display
  2. Power switch(전원)
  3. Hot water power: Hot water switch (temperature adjustment), high, medium, and low.
  4. or hot water(온수전용)
  5. Heating at room temperature(실온)
  6. Schedule heating (예약)
  7. Floor heating (온돌)
  8. Heating control (난방조절): Heating temperature wheel.

Type Five


  1. Function display panel: set/current temperature(희망/현재온도), reservation start/stop time(예약가동/정지시간 ), setting temperature, heating, and other functions are displayed.
  2. Bath(목욕/온수): Select this option to provide hot water for bathtubs and showers.
  3. Settings (설정): heating water temperature and bathing hot water temperature settings
  4. Select (선택): select the settings menu
  • Select the setting mode to be changed. When you click “선택(select)”, the setting mode will be changed one by one, namely 실내 (indoor), 예약 (reservation), or 외출 (leave).
  • When the setting has been selected, use the up and down buttons to change the target temperature (희망온도).
  • After clicking 선택 (select), the selection will be automatically set.
  1. LED light for power indication
  2. Up/Down ( 난방온도올림 / 내림): heating temperature increase or decrease
  3. Power (전원): on/off
By 12 Disruptors Admin

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