Designing a product design process – What and How

product design process

Product design is the process of determining the problem faced by customers in their daily lives, and developing a product that aids in solving the problems of the customers. Accompanied by in-depth market analysis and thorough theoretical knowledge, product designers ideate, create and promote the product.

When the product is in its ideation stage, there is a “product design process” per se, which the designers in leading design research studios in Mumbai adhere to.

product design process

Source: Pexels

What is a product design process?

In a layman’s language, the product design process is a critical framework that helps designers formulate a product solution. It is a series of steps that the designers follow till the product is commercially available for the target market.

It is universally impossible to make a list of steps that cater to every product and service. However, there are product design process steps which the designers can tweak as per the product’s convenience. Here is a basic outline that product design studios in Mumbai like the Future Factory follow :

  • Product vision and strategy – This lays the foundation not only for the product building team but also for the organization as a whole. It helps in setting the course of action and allotting tasks and responsibilities as per the product requirements. It is an ideal phase where you list down the “why who, and how” of the product.

Only after the entire team knows the perks and importance of creating the product in the first place, the following steps can be carried out with a clear understanding.

  • Product research and analysis – The main idea behind this step is to cumulate the evidence needed to make the product a success. It involves different techniques like market study, customer research, behavioural patterns, environmental viability and much more.

Once the data is collated, conducting research on the same helps in gaining useful insights and creating representative personas.

  • Idea Generation – At this stage, the entire product design team brainstorms on different creative ideas and new concepts. Here the focus is more on coming up with creative ideas which are possible to execute and those ideas that will be successful in satisfying the customer’s expectations and demands.
  • Design Execution – When the decision makers of the product design studios in Mumbai agree on certain ideas, it is the task of product designers to take charge and come up with a physical representation of the product or service.

It is the designer’s responsibility to come up with a design that incorporates both form and function.

  • Prototyping – To ensure that the product guarantees a high-satisfaction user experience, a prototype is built. It is an early sample of the idea that tests the product before the actual solution is made.

It consists of detailed drawings, technical specifications, and exhaustive information. Usually, the designers aim to keep it as detailed as possible so that the final product can be closer to what the team thought of initially.

  • Testing and Launch  – With the prototype in place, carefully undertaking the testing process is essential. Through testing, you are likely to find some unexpected insights that require you to change the product or the strategy altogether.

Once the adjustments are taken care of, the product is ready to launch. The entire production and strategic team come together to work in a coordinated manner.

product design process

Source: Pexels

It is important to know that even though the product launch completes, the product design process isn’t over yet. In fact, the product process lasts as long as the product is in the market.

How does a product design process benefit?

The product design process isn’t only about creating goods. It determines the success or failure of the product, the company’s reputation, market shares and many more profit-driven statistics. Here are a few ways in which a product design process benefits the product design studios in Mumbai :

  • Improves the company’s quality
  • Escalates the business growth
  • Increases sales
  • Provides customer satisfaction
  • Builds brand loyalty and awareness

To get more insights about the applications of the product design process, click here.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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