Cyclothymia: A Mood Disorder

Cyclothymia: A Mood Disorder

People who exhibit symptoms of anxiety and depression should prioritize their mental health by seeking help from a psychiatrist. The specialist can help the person understand their state of mind and the cause. Additionally, the specialist can help the person get through the difficult time by providing therapeutic interventions. Interventions such as CBT allow the person to change their perspective towards life. Individuals can contact an online psychiatrist for guidance regarding therapies that help the person function adequately in personal and professional life.

Cyclothymia is a mood disorder in which the individual experiences recurrent episodes of depression or hypomania.

What are the known symptoms of cyclothymia?

The individual may experience symptoms of depression or hypomanic episodes. The symptoms of hypomania include:

  • The person remains inactive and makes poor decisions regarding personal, academic, and professional life.
  • The individual becomes aggressive and retaliates in every situation.
  • The person becomes easily agitated during social inte6arctions.
  • The person becomes more talkative and wants a response from people around.
  • The person engages in extreme physical activities that may not be good for the overall health.
  • The individuals cannot concentrate on the tasks on hand.

The symptoms of a depressive episode include:

  • The person feels hopeless, which affects their productivity and decision-making.
  • The individual struggles to concentrate on tasks and complete them on time.
  • The person suffering from cyclothymia has lower self-esteem that makes them doubt their skills and abilities.
  • The person has an unhealthy sleeping pattern and may suffer from sleeping disorders.
  • The person socially isolates themselves to avoid interactions.
  • The individual remains restless for most of the time.
  • The person remains irritable and agitated in every social situation.

What causes correlate with the psychological condition?

The cause of the condition is unknown; however, the factors that may increase the likelihood of suffering from the mood disorder include:

  • People with blood relatives diagnosed with the condition are at a higher risk of suffering from a mood disorder.
  • Fluctuation bodily chemical processes and imbalance in the hormones can cause the person to suffer from depressive or hypomanic episodes.
  • A traumatic life event can work as a trigger, and the person suffers from a mood disorder.

What are the complications associated with cyclothymia?

The complications associated with cyclothymia are:

  • Without treatment, it can lead to bipolar disorder.
  • The person who has a persistent depressive or manic disorder is at a higher risk of suffering from an anxiety disorder that affects physical health, personal and professional growth.
  • Depression can lead to the use of drugs that affects health.

What tests help diagnose a person with cyclothymia?

The tests that help diagnose if the person may be suffering from cyclothymia include:

  • The person must have had depressive or manic episodes for at least two years. Additionally, the specialist will conduct tests to evaluate if the symptoms are caused due to physical illness.
  • The psychological assessment helps evaluate the state of mind of the individual. It helps evaluate the feelings, emotions, and behavior that correlate with the condition.
  • Mood charting helps maintain a record of daily mood changes. It helps identify the influences/triggers that cause the person to have the episodes.

What medications and therapies are proven beneficial in treating cyclothymia?

The medication that helps the patient with cyclothymia include:

  • Anticonvulsants helps deal with psychosis,
  • Mood stabilizers help maintain self-control.
  • Antidepressants are proven beneficial to deal with depression and correlating symptoms.

The therapy that has been proven beneficial for treatment include:

  • CBT helps overcome the negative thoughts and have a new perspective.
  • Group therapy allows the person to have hope. They can discuss their feeling and insecurities with others openly.
  • Social rhythm therapy helps improve interpersonal relationships and overcome social interaction issues.

People exhibiting symptoms of cyclothymia for more than two years must seek help from a psychiatrist in Islamabad to avoid complications. Therapy can help the person function adequately in personal and professional life and enhance physical and psychological health.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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