A Calculator For Quarterly Tax Payments

Quarterly Tax Payments

According to the IRS, estimated tax penalties—assessed when taxpayers underpay their taxes—are increasing. The number of people who paid this penalty increased by roughly 40%, from 7.2 million in 2010 to 10 million in 2015. The penalty might cost hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars.

The IRS advises taxpayers to review their taxes routinely to avoid these penalties. Penalties can be avoided by altering the amount withheld from employee’s paychecks or the frequency of their anticipated tax payments. People who work in the sharing economy, have many jobs and have recently gone through significant life events, such as a recent marriage or baby, should pay particular attention to this.

You must choose whether to pay quarterly estimated taxes if you own a business on all taxable income. Even though it seems onerous to send tax payments to the IRS every three months, it is advantageous for your business, especially if you have business expenses

When done correctly, estimated tax payments aid in financial understanding and assist you in avoiding unpleasant surprises when the time arrives to file your taxes. You will understand everything you need to effectively submit estimated taxes using a quarterly tax payment calculator and the material in this guide.

What makes estimated quarterly taxes different from estimated yearly taxes?

Your quarterly taxes include a breakdown of all four tax components your company owes the IRS for the entire tax year. Instead of paying your taxes in full at the end of the year, you make payments throughout the year.

If you work for yourself, you must pay your taxes four times a year rather than all at once in “estimated” installments. However, because you’re paying taxes based on how much money you expect to make this year, it’s called “estimated” (income tax, self-employment tax, and other applicable taxes).

Anyone self-employed must also pay self-employment taxes, which are documented on Schedule SE and include Social Security and Medicare taxes. Some folks might need clarification on whether they will receive additional tax documents like W-2s or 1099 forms. Contrary to popular belief, 1099s are only issued to self-employed people who earn $600 or more in company income. Of course, just like any other tax form, adhere to the IRS 1099 due date schedule.

How do you calculate the amount to pay?

If you want to pay with a check or money order, you can use Form 1040-ES to determine your estimated taxes on your taxable income. You or your accountant can do the computations. Ensure the income reported and deductions claimed on your prior year’s federal tax return are comparable to the current year to estimate how much you owe.

Verify once more that your tax refund from the previous year has been applied to your taxes for this year. The fifteenth of April, June, September, and January is frequently the deadline. The deadlines, however, have been set for April 15, June 15, September 15, and January 18, 2021, for the quarterly tax days in 2022. (2022).

If the due date falls on a weekend or a legal holiday, the deadline is set for the next working day.

Those who made tax payments during the most recent fiscal year

If your fiscal year differs in any manner from the calendar year, that difference will determine your due dates. Taxpayers who opt for a different fiscal year should consult with a tax preparer or accountant to ensure they meet all deadlines. They can use a quarterly tax payment calculator to calculate the exact tax due.

A maximum of four payments may be made at once.

Yes, you are permitted to submit as many payments as you like throughout the quarter. If you are underpaid for a quarter and need to make up the difference, you will need to make additional payments. If you make more money than you expected in a quarter, this could happen.

It doesn’t matter how many payments you make as long as you make the correct payment by the quarterly due date. The IRS will charge you a penalty if you underpay your taxes.

The four advantages of making three-monthly tax payments in full and on time

Before deciding to skip all quarterly payments and complete the remaining sum due at the end of the year, thoroughly weigh your options. Paying anticipated taxes has advantages, and the process doesn’t have to be complicated.

To calculate your quarterly tax, use the calculator below:

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Avoid penalties.

For the IRS, quarterly payments are crucial. You will probably be fined if you pay all at once and disregard the guidelines. Delaying payments for the sake of your business is not wise in the long run.

It protects you from the tax shock at year’s end.

If you pay your taxes every quarter, you will be surprised by a huge bill at the end of the year. Although it is possible to pay less than you should and then be required to make up the difference, this is nothing in comparison to having to deal with all of your taxes at once. Budgeting for quarterly payments also helps your financial flow because it is less stressful than making a huge payment all at once.

Your understanding of your cash flow will increase.

You must keep an eye on your cash flow to make payments on schedule each quarter. If your business is still in the start-up stages of development and you have few expenses to consider, cash flow may not be on your mind. However, making sure you have the right amount of money available to pay expenses becomes more challenging as your firm grows. Planning your quarterly taxes now will help you establish healthy financial habits later.

4. You can become friends with your bookkeeper and accountant.

Planning your cash flow with the assistance of your accountant and bookkeeper is a smart idea; they could stop you from paying too much or too little, and working with an accountant forces you to take a thorough look at your financial practices, which is beneficial. In addition, having an accountant check your books and assist you when your business is still in its infancy will teach you the habit of maintaining structured bookkeeping. As a result, making crucial business decisions, filing taxes, and creating development plans are all made easier.

Tax deductions

It’s worth noting that you might be eligible for self employment tax deductions. There are many tax deductions, like the home office deduction, the self-employed health insurance deduction, continuing education deduction, the food and entertainment deduction, and the business travel tax deduction, to name a few. This is an excellent way to save on taxes.   

Paying estimated quarterly taxes throughout the year could seem cumbersome. However, you can reduce your overall tax liability by using a quarterly tax payment calculator to plan your expected tax payments for tax season.

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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