When selecting the right finishings and interior for your home or office, flooring is one of the most critical elements to get right. There are a lot of options available and you can easily make a choice that resonates well with your budget and personal preferences.
Over the past few years, we have, however, experienced a huge appreciation for vinyl flooring. People have started choosing it over many other types of flooring. And there are certainly a lot of reasons for it.
Vinyl flooring is not only stylish and easy to install but is extremely durable too. With promising longevity and ease of maintenance, vinyl flooring is definitely a great pick to make. But when we consider “ease of maintenance”, it certainly does not mean that you don’t have to regularly look after it.
Once the Vinyl Flooring Oldbury experts have installed the floor for you; it is best to question them about its maintenance and cleaning routine. Many installers like JJ’s Flooring Services, demonstrate a thorough cleaning session for you as well. It is not only important to look after your floors to increase their longevity but it is super critical for hygiene purposes as well.
Cleaning Vinyl Flooring
Vinyl floor cleaning is not complicated. It is a simple routine and you can easily get it done within a few minutes. All you need is a mop or a vacuum to clean a vinyl floor. Depending on what seems easier to you, you can clean your floor perfectly.
If you have dust particles on the floor, you can use a soft broom or a vacuum to get rid of them. Once done, mop the floor with a good cleaning solution. Make sure that the mop isn’t too wet and not too dry. A perfectly damp mop is the best to get rid of all the unwanted dirt and dust.
Doing this routine every second day is sufficient. If you have the time, you can do this daily as well as it doesn’t require a lot of effort or time.

Can I get Rid of Stains from Vinyl Floors?
Yes, you can. Getting rid of stains is quite easy and quick. However, it is recommended that you treat the stains right away. You can use a detergent or a nylon pad to clean it immediately. Start by cleaning from the outside of the scuff and then move towards the inside. Once done, rinse with a little water and wipe it off. The stain will be gone for good.
There are many natural detergents like lemon and vinegar that are well-known for the removal of stains. However, you can always keep a high-quality floor cleaning solution at home to treat stains right away.
Things to Avoid while Cleaning Vinyl Floors:
Although cleaning vinyl floors is straightforward, there are some things that must be avoided. You must steer clear of:
- Black soap
- Steam cleaners
- Abrasive chemical powders
- Acetone
- Varnish and wax
- Oil-based products
Be very cautious while buying cleaning solutions for your Vinyl Flooring Quinton. You want to make sure that they aren’t oil-based.
How to Maintain Vinyl Floors?
As mentioned before, vinyl floors are extremely durable. They are sturdy and scratch-resistant, making them easier to maintain. Thus, all you need to do is follow a basic cleaning routine to make sure that your vinyl flooring remains intact, for the years to come.
For instance, wax is usually required for hardwood floors to maintain their shine and lustre. You do not need to do so with vinyl floors. A deep clean is more than sufficient to keep them shining for a long time.
With these simple and basic cleaning tips, you can easily maintain your vinyl floors. However, make sure that you clean your floors at least twice per week (minimum). Mopping them daily can also be a great idea.