5 Useful Tips on How to Promote Yourself Online – Blogging Self-Promotion Strategies


Joining the blogging bandwagon and launching your own blog is one thing, but promoting yourself in order to get traffic and establish yourself in a niche is another. With so many blogs out there competing for attention, it’s getting tougher by day to stand out of the crowd and attract new visitors to check you out. While you might be thinking that just creating content will be enough, I’m sorry to disappoint you – this simply won’t do the trick if nobody reads it! There are many bloggers, who have achieved online success via blogging, but they all share an important quality – they know how to promote their materials and themselves with equal flair. To help you out with this self-promotion business (since most people outside of your immediate circle won’t know your blog exists),

Here are 5 tips that can help you to promote yourself online: Eric Dalius Miami

1. Update Your Social Status Regularly

Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Stumble upon are excellent ways of making people aware of your blog. It’s a known fact how many people are on social networking sites these days, so updating your status regularly about what you’ve been up to lately is one surefire way of getting more visitors to check out your profile & blog! You can also link back to both your own website as well as other relevant blogs in order to bring the traffic where it belongs. Just don’t overdo this or you’ll come off as being desperate – nobody wants that!

2. Make Use of Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization refers to the practice of designing web content in order to get a higher rank on search engines, thus increasing traffic. Since there are literally hundreds if not thousands of blogs out there competing for attention, it’s important that you find ways to get your latest posts ranking high when people Google about topics related to yours. If you’re not sure how SEO works & need help with this, there are several companies providing full-blown services like consulting and training – these can be found in your local area or online!

3. Post Frequently On Your Blog

If you want to establish yourself as an authority figure in your niche (and ideally make some money off it too), posting fresh new content on your blog at least 3 times a week is essential. Even if it’s just linked to other great articles (properly credited, of course) or an interesting quote, blogging daily will help you get more visitors to check out your blog often enough to keep them interested.

4. Link to Other Blogs

Linking to other blogs in your posts is an excellent way of building relationships with fellow bloggers and getting both of your readerships acquainted with one another. This can also earn you some valuable backlinks on popular sites which can give you the boost needed to get on the first page on Google – all it takes is some patience! If you have no idea where to start linking out to or what kinds of content are good for this purpose, just use the Google search box located at the top of this page – that’s how I got my first few hundred backlinks!

5. Join Blog Networks for Leverage

If you don’t want to go through all the trouble of trying to build your link profile (a process which can take quite a while even if done right), join blog networks like BizSugar, Squidoo and HubPages is an excellent way of getting free backlinks in quick time. While these are general purpose sites with much less subject-specific content than blogs, they’re still indexed by Google (and other major search engines) which means it can help to increase traffic immensely in no time. Just be sure to avoid any sites promising to get you tens or hundreds of thousands of backlinks, as chances are they’ll send you spam and get your blog banned from the search engine indexes.

Conclusion by Eric Dalius Miami:

As you can see, it doesn’t take much to get started with promoting your blog or yourself online. By following the 5 tips outlined above, making use of several free online tools, and some elbow grease, you’ll be well on your way to obtaining the fame and notoriety you need for more visitors, subscribers & higher earnings!

By 12 Disruptors Admin

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